新目标英语九年级Unit 8随堂通

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  1.These kind men always help the h______ children.
  2.Around ten people die of h______every day in the camp.
郭闯闯  出生年月:2002年9月17日  座右铭:没有拼搏的山重水复,  就没有成功的柳暗花明。  就读学校班级:河北省阜城县第四中学九(4)班  指导老师:张超  Sports Meeting  Every year, our school holds a sports meeting in May. It can bring us not only wonderful games, but
In the middle of a city sits a giant fishbowl, the only home a whale named Wednesday has ever known. Like the day of the week, Wednesday is always in the middle of everything, with busy people constan
Should Plastic Straws Be Banned? 应该禁用塑料吸管吗?  *Yes!  Josh Lee, 12  Chicago, Illinois  “Plastic straws are bad for our planet. When people throw them away, they end up in our oceans. Sea animals sometim
My heart was broken.  我的心碎了。  My grandpa Richard and grandma Nancy were everything to us. They had the biggest heart of gold, and they worried about us the most. They worried about everybody and alway
1.tiring adj.累人的,令人疲惫的,表主动,用于描述事物的特征adj.tired疲勞的,厌倦的,表被动,一般用于描述人们身心的状况。
At first, scientists thought it was a worm. They were studying sea turtles in Costa Rica. One turtle had something sticking out of its nose. It could not breathe. Scientists pulled the object out. It
People commonly use shampoo, hairspray1, deodorant2, cleaning sprays, paint and glues. Such products can dirty the air. In fact, they are as bad for urban air as is burning gasoline or diesel3 fuel4.
1. think about  (1) think about意为“考虑;思考”。  (2) 相关短语:  think deeply about 深思;默想;考虑  think seriously about 认真思考  think hard about 努力思考;冥思苦想  think twice about sth. 对某事多加考虑  think more about 多想想  (3) 辨析:
座右銘:Knowledge is power.  就读学校班级:河北省阜城县第四中学七年级(7)班  指导老师:张超  I have a pen pal and his name is Xu Zheng. He lives in a small village in Yunnan Province. The weather here is nice. It isn’t too hot in sum
( )1. Use your head, and you will surely _______ a solution to this problem.  A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think  ( )2. —I don’t know whether I should accept his present.  —Stop for o