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服务质量不能完全靠程式化考核为了提高服务质量,经营者往往会拿出制度、考核办法等举措作为衡量标准,应该说,通过这些载体只能不同程度地规范员工的服务行为,比如统一着装、待人微笑、耐心解答。但是,条条框框的要求不是提高服务质量的唯一途径,如果完全依赖制度和考核就想达到顾客所需的服务,是不可能的。因为这很容易转变成程式化服务,而当服务从业人员进入这种服务状态时,他的每一块肌肉都变得机械,可想而知,当人像机器一般被设定程序,思维功能就会失效。但是,人与人只有在交流中才会建立感情,服务从业人员则需要与顾客沟通才会知道顾客的需求。不久前,看到一篇服务从业人员撰写的文章,题目叫《只有真诚的服务,才会换来客人的微笑》。题目给人的第一感觉是套话,内容就更假了:“面对客人应表现出热情、亲切、真实、友好,做到精神振奋,情绪饱满,不卑不亢。声调要自然、清晰、柔 Service quality can not be completely relied on stylized examination In order to improve service quality, operators often come up with measures such as system and assessment methods as measures. It should be said that these carriers can only regulate employees’ service behaviors to different degrees, for example, uniform dress, Be smiling, patiently answered. However, the rules and regulations are not the only way to improve the quality of service. It is impossible to achieve the service customers want if they rely solely on the system and assessment. Because it is easy to translate into a stylized service, and as a service worker enters this service state, every muscle in his body becomes mechanical, and one can imagine that when the portrait machine is set up, the thinking function will Failure. However, people only build up their feelings through communication, and service professionals need to communicate with their customers to know their needs. Not long ago, I saw an article written by a service practitioner titled ”Only a sincere service will come in exchange for a guest’s smile.“ Subject to the first impression is a set of words, the content is even more false: ”The guests should show enthusiasm, kind, real, friendly, energetic, full of emotions, neither overbearing nor tone of voice.