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一个不平凡的蛇年后面,注定要跟着一个不平凡的马年。1月31日,即甲午年正月初一,金蛇狂舞告一段落之后,中国该进入万马奔腾之年了,东方十二生肖文化覆盖的国家和地区也迎来意气风发的马年唯一参赛奥运会的动物有一道智力测验题问:何种动物可以参加人类的奥林匹克运动会?答案是:马。体现人类素质“更高、更快、更强”的奥运会上,有马与人同场竞技的项目—马术。非人类而参加人类的顶级体育盛会,可见马与人类的密切关系。参赛马越过各种障碍和表演“盛装舞步”时所得的金、银、铜牌数,和选手们的奖牌一样计入所在国家和地区,马 An extraordinary year of the snake, destined to follow an extraordinary year of the horse. On January 31, the first day of the First Year of the Kenyon lunar year, after the Golden Snake dance came to an end, China should enter the fast-growing period. The countries and regions covered by the Oriental Zodiac culture also ushered in the solemn Olympic year of horse racing Animals have a quiz Question: What kind of animals can participate in the human Olympic Games? The answer is: horse. Embody the human quality “higher, faster, stronger ” of the Olympic Games, there are horses and people competing with the project - equestrian. Non-human and participate in the top sports events in mankind, we can see the close relationship between horses and humans. The number of gold, silver and bronze medals obtained when a horse crosses obstacles and performances “dressage” is counted in the same country as the medal of the player
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《给孩子的诗》  北岛 选编  中信出版社  我们曾遨游山岗到处将野花拜访  但以后走上疲惫的旅程失去了往昔的时光  过去的和未曾过去的,总是让我们不断回望。回望亲人,回望孩子,回望自己。所以,当一年即将结束的时候,最适合读诗。北岛选择了最有想象力的 101首诗,给最有想象力的人——孩子。不过,在读给孩子听的时候,你不妨也静下心来和他一道,去听听诗里那些文字细碎的声响,叮叮咚咚,铿铿锵锵,说的是谁
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Hyperoxaluria can cause not only nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis,but also renal parenchymal disease histologically characterized by deposition of calcium o
一九八三年九月二十九日,江西省高安县人民法院召开宣判大会,判处了一批严重危害社会治安的犯罪分子。罪犯刘文生、刘国荣父子被同时押上审判台。 罪犯刘文生,男,现年五十四
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