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一、前言诊断沙门氏菌时,其诊断用皿清是不可缺少的,但关於沙门氏菌属诊断用血清的制法,依各文献的记载,亦有所不同。一般多为家兔耳静脉内4次注射法,或更多次的注射法,免疫过程至少需要21天,我们感到这些方法如在大量生产时有许多不便,因其注射回数之多及较复杂之操作并需较长的时间。如能缩短注射时间,减少注射回数,而能获得标准效价的血清,则对生产诊断用血清来说,定能提高其效果。因此我们仅利用制作诊断用血清时间加以实验研究,而初步认为以少量抗原间隔3日两次家兔耳静脉内注射,于10日内即可获得可用的诊断用血清。但因我们的设备、条件、技术能力所限,作的不够全面,谨将实验及应用的结果投告如下以作参考。 I. INTRODUCTION The diagnosis of Salmonella is indispensable when diagnosing Salmonella, but the method of making the Salmonella diagnosis serum is also different according to the literature. Generally more than four injections into the rabbit’s ear vein, or more injection, the immune process requires at least 21 days, we feel that these methods, such as in mass production, there are many inconveniences, because of its injection back to the number and more complex It takes a long time to operate. If you can shorten the injection time, reduce the number of injection, and can get the standard titer of serum, the production of diagnostic serum, will be able to improve its effectiveness. Therefore, we only use the production of diagnostic serum time to be experimental study, and initially that a small amount of antigen at 3 rabbits twice a day intravenous injection of rabbits within 10 days to obtain available diagnostic serum. However, due to limitations of our equipment, conditions and technical capabilities, we have not made enough comprehensive reviews. The results of experiments and applications are hereby submitted as follows for reference.
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