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2000年11月15日,国家药品监督管理局发布暂停使用和销售含有PPA的感冒药制剂的通知,其中包括中美史克和康得两种药品。11月16日,中美史克公司接到正式通知,立即成立危机应对组织:领导小组,制定应对危机的立场基调,统一口径;沟通小组,负责信息发布和内、外部的信息沟通;市场小组,负责加快新产品开发;生产小组,负责组织调整生产并处理正在生产线上的中间产品。与此同时,危机管理小组发布了危机公关纲领:坚决执行政府暂停令,暂停生产和销售;通知经销商和客户立即停止康泰克和康得的销售,停止广告宣传和市场推广活动。17日中午,全体员工大会召开。中美史克总经理杨伟强向员工通报了事情的来龙去脉,宣布公司不会裁员。同日,全国各地的50多位销售经理被召回总部,危机管理小组深入其中做思想工作,以保障各项危机应对措施的有效执行。18日,中美史克《给医院的信》、《给客户的信》发往全国。数十名经培训的专职接线员,就位负责接听来自客户、消费者的询问电话。20日,中美史克在京召开新闻媒介恳谈会,表示支持国家药监局的决定,并正式对外宣布停止两种产品的生产和销售,康泰克和康得两种产品自此退出市场,做出不影响在华投资和“将在关于PPA的论证结果出来后给消费者一个满意解决办法”的立场和决心。此后,以杨伟强为首的公司领导不厌其烦地接受国内媒体专访,争取说话机会……2001年9月3日起,杨伟强率领中美史克研发等一干人员,先后在北京、天津、上海、广州、成都与媒体和客户见面,为“新康泰克”上市再做公关。 On November 15, 2000, the State Drug Administration issued a notice to suspend the use and sale of cold medicine preparations containing PPA, including two kinds of Chinese and American medicines: KSK and Kant. On November 16, China and the United States Shikke received an official notice and immediately set up a crisis response organization: a leading group to formulate the standpoint of responding to the crisis and unified caliber; a communication team responsible for information release and internal and external information communication; Responsible for accelerating the development of new products; the production team is responsible for organizing the adjustment of production and processing intermediate products on the production line. At the same time, the Crisis Management Team released the Crisis Public Relations Program: Resolutely implement a government moratorium, suspend production and sales; inform distributors and customers to immediately stop sales of Contec and Kant, and stop advertising and marketing activities. At noon on the 17th, all staff meetings were held. Yang Weiqiang, general manager of Sino-US-Skock, informed the staff of the circumstances of the incident and announced that the company would not lay off staff. On the same day, more than 50 sales managers from all over the country were recalled to the headquarters. The crisis management team went deep into them to do ideological work to ensure the effective implementation of various crisis response measures. On the 18th, China and the United States Shik “letter to the hospital” and “letter to the customer” were sent to the country. Dozens of trained and dedicated operators are in place to answer calls from customers and consumers. On the 20th, China and the United States held a news media conference in Beijing and expressed their support for the decision of the State Food and Drug Administration and formally announced the suspension of the production and sales of two products. Since then, Contec and Kant have withdrawn from the market. This will not affect investment in China and will give the consumer a satisfactory solution after the results of the PPA’s demonstration are released. Since then, the company’s leaders headed by Yang Weiqiang have taken the trouble to accept an exclusive interview with the domestic media and strive to speak up.... From September 3, 2001, Yang Weiqiang led the staff of Sino-American S&K and other staffs in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. Meet with the media and customers and do PR for the listing of New Contac.