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早在80年代,印尼林火产生的烟雾便越过国界,飘到了东盟邻国。鉴于这种烟雾可能对经济和生活产生严重影响,东盟国家在1990年就此专门达成了一项协议,1992年又发表了一个声明。 然后它们就坐等成果的出现。按照东盟传统的做法,哪个政府也不愿检查别的国家是否在履行它的承诺。其实,如果有人这样作的话,就会发现东盟国家几乎没有采取什么措施,特别是在印尼。于是,这种烟雾去年卷土重来,而且比以往更具破坏性。 烟雾在东盟国家面临的许多挑战和困境中很有代表性。东盟国家一贯坚持不干涉内政的神圣原则,但这种原则现在急需修正。实际上,面对烟雾的无力,已经渐渐变成近乎于犯罪的漠视。尽管东盟一直推崇睦邻友好和团结,但其主要成员国对东盟共同的利益却并不热心。所以有人说,烟雾并不只是环境问题,东盟国家在发展中很多未能有效解决的问题,与其都有相通之处。 As early as the 1980s, Indonesia’s smoke from the forest fire crossed the border and floated to its neighboring ASEAN countries. In view of the serious economic and livelihood impact of such smoke, the ASEAN countries reached a special agreement on this in 1990 and made another statement in 1992. Then they sit and wait for the results to appear. In accordance with the traditional ASEAN approach, which government is also reluctant to check whether other countries are fulfilling its promises. In fact, if someone does this, they will find that they have seldom taken any measures, especially in Indonesia. As a result, such smoke has returned last year and is more devastating than ever. Smog is well represented in many of the challenges and dilemmas that ASEAN countries face. The ASEAN countries have consistently adhered to the sacred principle of noninterference in their internal affairs. However, this principle is in urgent need of revision. In fact, the face of the weakness of the smoke has gradually become almost indifference to crime. Although ASEAN has always respected good neighborliness and solidarity, its principal member states are not enthusiastic about the common interests of ASEAN. Therefore, some people say that smog is not just an environmental issue. Many issues that ASEAN countries have failed to effectively solve in their development have similarities with them.
一、听力题:听写以下一段讲话录音。1、四是四,十是十,十四是十四,四十是四十。2、司马光砸缸,司马迁受伤,司马懿上当,司马炎为王。二、选择题: First, the hearing problem
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a contactless form of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology. This paper explores the use of RFID