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广义三棱柱(GTP)是近年来提出并被广泛应用于三维地质建模领域的一种较为成熟的空间数据模型,可满足大多数地质钻孔数据的三维地质建模的要求。然而,现有针对GTP模型的三维空间剖切分析方法,仍无法适用于偏斜钻孔数据所建三维地质模型高效多次任意剖切、不能支持较为复杂的地质模型空间分析的问题。本文通过对GTP剖切算法改进研究,提出了采用动态四面体剖分法减小数据冗余;鉴于GTP形态较为复杂,可对剖切后保留多面体进行拓扑关系的重组,解决任意多次剖切问题;将多次“面-体”形式的单剖切运算组合为一次“体-体”形式的复合剖切运算的方法,可高效实现对三维地质模型空间分析。本文着重面向GTP体元的多重任意切剖平面的剖切问题,在分析了GTP体元特征的基础上,弥补了三维地质建模领域中对GTP体元任意、多重剖切方法研究的不足。应用实例表明,上述改进算法可以提高GTP剖切计算速度,并能够快速实现巷道掘进模拟,以及空间开挖模拟等复杂的空间分析功能。 Generalized triangular prism (GTP) is a mature spatial data model proposed in recent years and widely used in 3D geological modeling, which can meet the requirements of 3D geological modeling of most geological drilling data. However, the existing three-dimensional space analysis method for GTP model still can not be applied to the 3D geological model built by the skew drilling data to be efficiently and repeatedly cut arbitrarily and can not support the more complex geological model spatial analysis. In this paper, we improve the GTP cut-off algorithm and propose a dynamic tetrahedron reduction method to reduce the data redundancy. In view of the complexity of the GTP shape, the topological relations of the retained polyhedrons can be reorganized after cutting, The problem of combining multiple single cut operations in the form of “face-body” into a compound cut-off operation in the form of “body-body” can efficiently realize the spatial analysis of the three-dimensional geological model. In this paper, we focus on the cutting problem of multiple arbitrary cut planes of GTP voxels. Based on the analysis of GTP voxel features, this paper makes up for the shortcomings of the research on arbitrary and multiple sections of GTP voxels in the field of 3D geological modeling. The application example shows that the above improved algorithm can improve the calculation speed of GTP sectioning, and can quickly realize complex spatial analysis functions such as tunneling simulation and space excavation simulation.
顺利诞生 *1984年,中共广东省委宣传部“粤宣复字[84]第21号”文件批复,同意我院出版广东省政法干部学院学报,十六开本,季刊,内部发行,颁发内部刊物登记证。 *1984年9月15日
根据中草药的性味归经、升降沉浮和中药复方的组方原则 ,对复方降糖灵进行了模糊分类和超临界CO2 萃取。利用萃取物进行了动物实验。实验结果表明 ,3号药组和 8号药组对STZ -
实验动物在我省医药生产企业 (药厂 )中作为原材料和药品质检手段以及用于新药研究 ,有着重要作用 ,加强药厂实验动物管理将促进我省医药工业发展。通过分析我省药厂实验动物