The Development of Chinese Railways

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IN the mid- to late-1990s, Chinese railway transport experienced great difficulty owing to fierce competition. In 1998, despite floods and the Asian financial crisis, the Chinese railway industry performed a miracle and decreased its losses by 1.9 billion
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I Was born in April, when spring is in the air, the sun shines, the sky is blue, and the fragrance of lilacs is everywhere. This year's birthday was unforge
摘 要:文章通过对2009~2013年间吉林森工通化胶粘剂分公司的员工数量、工资、员工种类等方面的统计分析,对吉林森工通化胶粘剂公司提出相应的管理建议。  关键词:员工队伍;统计;分析  中图分类号:F241 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2014)30-0032-02  胶粘剂是现代生产生活离不开的原料之一,随着经济的不断发展,对胶粘剂直接或间接的需求也在不断增多,进行胶粘剂产品
THE Optics Valley of China was established in the East Lake New Technology Development Zone in Wuhan,Hubei Province on July 6,2100.The zone itself was founded i
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摘 要:电力系统的正常运行需要大量一次和二次设备的支撑,一旦某个或某些设备发生故障,整个系统的安全可靠运行都将会受到影响,因此做好设备检修工作可以确保电力系统的安全、稳定运作。变电环节是联系电力生产和电力消费的关键枢纽,因此,变电设备的运行可靠性往往要高于其他电力设备,它的相关设备检修对整个电力系统都有很重大的影响。文章通过对故障检修、周期性检修和状态检修三个模式的介绍,描述其优缺点,从而重点介绍