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石砂田或砂田是中国西北部干旱地区一种传统的抗旱耕种方式。它是利用河湖沉积或冲积作用产生的卵石、砾、粗砂和细砂的混合体作为土壤表面的覆盖物,根据自然环境和种植目的的不同要求,在经过深耕施肥(基肥)的平坦的农田或荒滩地表面上,铺设厚度不同(5—16厘米)的覆盖层,并应用一整套特制的农具和耕种方法,种植农作物、蔬菜或瓜果的一种独特抗旱耕种方式。它是我国劳动人民在长期和干旱进行斗争中的伟大创造与智慧结晶,在距今约三百余年前清代康熙至嘉庆间(公元1662—1796年)就已应用了。 Sandy or sands fields are a traditional way of drought-resistant cultivation in arid regions of northwestern China. It is a mixture of pebbles, gravel, coarse sand and fine sand produced by the sedimentation or alluvium of rivers and lakes as the cover of the soil surface. According to the different requirements of the natural environment and planting purposes, after the flattened fertilization (basal fertilizer) A unique, drought-resistant cultivation of crops, vegetables or fruits using a complete set of specially-tailored implements and cultivation methods, laid with different thicknesses (5-16 cm) over the surface of farmland or wasteland. It is the great creation and wisdom of the working people in our struggle against the long-term drought and has been applied since the reign of Emperor Kangxi to Jiaqing (AD 1662-1796) about 300 years ago.
我院自1996年8月~1997年9月对26例28眼慢性泪囊炎患者进行鼻内窥镜泪囊造孔术,均获得了满意疗效,现报告如下:1资料和方法1.1一般资料26例28眼,其中女22例24眼,男4例4眼。年龄21~48岁,平均35.4岁;病程4月~10年,平均34... Our hospi
中国科学院基因组科学与信息重点实验室(CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information,Chinese Academy of Sciences,以下简称“实验室”)是在参与完成人类基因组
目的评价海妇洁栓对大鼠胚胎发育的影响。方法将Wistar妊娠大鼠随机分为5组:基质对照组、阳性对照(环磷酰胺7 mg/kg)组、海妇洁栓低(16 mg/kg)、中(32 mg/kg)和高(80 mg/kg)
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的:观察大鼠腹侧呼吸组吻端(rostral ventral respiratory group,rVRG)μ型阿片受体(MOR)的表达及MOR阳性神经元向颈髓的投射。方法:采用荧光金(FG)逆行追踪结合免疫组织化
由天津消防科研所研制的YEGB高倍数泡沫灭火剂于6月21日 Developed by the Tianjin Institute of Fire YEGB high-fold foam fire extinguishing agent on June 21