New method for detection fusion of MAC based on DCM and NP rule

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bdwldy
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The problem of distributed detection fusion using multiple sensors for remote underwater target detection is studied. Considering that multiple access channel (MAC) schemes are able to offer high efficiency in bandwidth usage and consume less energy than the parallel access channel (PAC), the MAC scheme is introduced into the underwater target detection field. The model of underwater distributed detection fusion based on MAC schemes is established. A new method for detection fusion of MAC based on deflection coefficient maximization (DCM) and Neyman-Pearson (NP) rule is proposed. Under the power constraint of local sensors, this paper uses the DCM theory to derive the optimal weight coefficients and offsets. The closed-form expressions of detection probability and false alarm probability for fusion systems are obtained. The optimal detection performance of fusion systems is analyzed and deeply researched. Both the theory analysis and simulation experiments indicate that the proposed method could improve the detection performance and decrease the error probability effectively under power constraints of local sensors and low signal to noise ratio. The problem of distributed detection fusion using multiple sensors for remote underwater target detection is studied. Considering that multiple access channel (MAC) schemes are able to offer high efficiency in bandwidth usage and consume less energy than the parallel access channel (PAC), the MAC A new method for detecting fusion of MAC based on deflection coefficient maximization (DCM) and Neyman-Pearson (NP) rule is proposed. The model of underwater distributed detection fusion based on MAC schemes is established. Under the power constraint of local sensors, this paper uses the DCM theory to derive the optimal weight coefficients and offsets. The closed-form expressions of detection probability and false alarm probability for fusion systems are obtained. The optimal detection performance of fusion systems is Both the theory analysis and simulation experiments indicate that the proposed me thod could improve the detection performance and decrease the error probability effectively under power constraints of local sensors and low signal to noise ratio.
本论文第一部分描述了Neodolastanes家族二萜Trichoaurantianolides C,Trichoaurantianolides D以及Lepistol和Lepistal的相关全合成研究,其中Trichoaurantianolides C和Tricho
目的:研究夹竹桃科山橙属(Melodinus)植物尖山橙(Melodinusfusiformis)及防己科千金藤属(Stephania)植物桐叶千金藤(Stephaniahernandifolia)两种民间药的生物碱成分。  方法:尖山
摘 要: 现代社会由于生活的多样化、知识信息的广泛化,审美活动已成为人们生活的重要内容,美育也成为时代的客观要求。教师在小学英语教学中要有意识、有目的、有计划地进行美育教学。特别要抓住课堂这一主阵地,渗透美育。在英语教学中,教师是美的传播者,学生是美的实践者。通过师生互动,激发学生对教学形式和教学内容产生浓厚兴趣,以美求真、以美激情、以美育人,让学生受到美的熏陶,同时使英语学习变得生动、活泼而有实
摘 要: 在当前中职教育中,英语教学的作用已经表现得越来越突出。如何把学生培养成适应社会主义市场经济需求,并且具有一定专业技术技能的复合型人才是当前职业教育的发展方向。作者就目前职业英语教学中存在的问题进行了有针对性的分析,并提出了相应的解决策略。  关键词: 中职英语教学 存在问题 解决策略  随着世界经济全球化和一体化的加快,国际交往日益增多,掌握英语这门国际语言显得日趋重要。加入WTO之后,
摘 要: 英语学习兴趣对英语学习有着十分重要的作用。作者结合理论和自身的工作经验,对如何提高学生的学习兴趣进行了探究。  关键词: 教师角度 英语学习兴趣 培养方法  爱因斯坦说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”这就告诉我们,不论做什么,兴趣都是非常重要的。所以,要想成绩好,兴趣最关键。如果学生对学习不感兴趣,就会导致教师讲课无人愿听;上课提问,无人回答;课堂气氛死气沉沉;还会使原本复杂的知识更难学,从而导
摘 要: 本文主要从激发学生自主学习的兴趣、引导学生开展小组合作学习、促使学生优化学习策略、恰当评价学生自主学习四方面论述在初一英语写作教学中如何引导学生自主学习。  关键词: 初一英语写作教学 自主学习 引导方法  国内外许多研究者都曾从不同的视角界定自主学习,以皮亚杰为代表的认知建构主义理论认为:知识是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资
摘 要: 普通高校开设排球课属于正常现象,但是并不是每个学校对排球课的认知都能到位,且因排球课自身运动特征的限制,女生一般容易接受,而对男生的吸引力一般。要改变这一现状,必须从学生的视角出发,激发他们的学习兴趣及热情,促进高校排球教学健康发展。  关键词: 高校排球教学 现状分析 优化策略  作为一项在中国有着悠久文化历史的传统运动,排球集健身、娱乐、竞技于一体,在我国有着非常深厚的群众基础,因此