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河南郾城第一初級中学副校長惠柏峯同志,一九四○年參加革命,曾任部隊宜傳员、青年幹事、公安局秘書和中学副校長等職。自到郾城一中後,表現自高自大,目空一切,只願听人奉承,不願接受批評。誰向他提意見,不是找來“個別談話”,就是説別人“思想有問題”,使得全校師生不敢再向他提意見。这樣压制民主,就必然脫離群衆。至於团結教師、领導教学,那更談不到了。有一学期幾乎每天上午他都在教導处打撲克,於是同志反映:“規定办公時間不許打撲克,而校長却能例外”。这学期他的“中心工作”是培植菊花,用公家的錢買了許多菊花,擺在自己屋裏和門外,並派兩個工人專為菊花修了一個暖房。兩学期以來,对教研組工作,不聞不問。他自己教的時事政策課,也是想上就上,想不上就不上,結果学期考试一大半学生不及格。兩次暑期思想改造運動他都不參加,好像他的思想已經改造好了。一九五四年春節前,將臨考期,学校正忙着凖備結業,惠校長竟擅自離職探親。又在春節中沒經上級批准:带愛人回家兩次,躭 Hui Bai Feng, Vice Chancellor, Tancheng No.1 Junior High School, joined the revolution in 1940. He was a member of the army for preachers, young officers, secretary of the Public Security Bureau, and vice-chancellor of secondary school. Since he came to Tancheng one, he showed arrogance and neglect to listen to people and was unwilling to accept criticism. Who told him that he was not looking for “individual talk”, that is, others “have a problem with their thinking”, making the teachers and students in the school afraid to give him any further advice. If we suppress democracy in this way, we must be divorced from the masses. As for the unity of teachers, leading teaching, then let alone. There was a semester where he taught poker at almost every morning. As a result, his comrades said: “No poker is allowed during office hours, and the principal gives exceptions.” This semester, his “central task” is to nurture chrysanthemums, use public money to buy many chrysanthemums, put them in and out of doors, and send two workers to repair a chrysanthemum for a greenhouse. Since the two semesters, work on teaching and research group, indifferent. His current affairs policy lesson, also want to go up, can not think of it, the result of the semester examination most students fail. He did not participate in any two summer thought-reform campaigns, as if his thinking had been transformed. Before the Spring Festival of 1954, the probationary period will be completed and the school is busy preparing for graduation. Again in the Spring Festival without the approval of higher authorities: with lovers go home twice, 躭
Traditionally,beamforming using fractional Fourier transform(FrFT) involves a trial-and-error based FrFT order selection which is impractical.A new numerical or
论述了橡胶支座总成产品结构、注射模结构特点和工作过程。 Discussed the rubber bearing assembly product structure, injection mold structure and working process.