灾情就是命令 时间就是生命 消防部队芦山强地震救援现场纪实

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“4·20”芦山强地震发生后,公安部消防局迅速启动地震灾害救援一级响应。来自四川省公安消防总队和重庆市公安消防总队的496辆消防车、2374名消防官兵、11条搜救犬投入抗震救援。四川周边省份的公安消防部队集结待命。从白天到黑夜,消防部队的救援行动一刻没有停止。晚上,消防部队发挥专业救援优势,架设夜间照明设备,利用夜间噪音少的有利时机,运用音频、视频、雷达生命探测设备和搜救犬,全力搜救被埋压群众。截至4月23日8时,消防官兵搜救出被困群众165人,疏散转移群众6976人。同时,为了避免灾民既受地震灾害又受火灾的侵扰,消防部门对所有灾民安置点的搭建和布局提出了防火安全,并对311个安置点进行了不间断的防火巡查并安排消防车驻守寻访。(本文图片除署名外由新华社提供) “4.20 ” After the Lushan strong earthquake, the Ministry of Public Security Fire Department promptly launched a response to the earthquake disaster relief. 496 fire engines from Sichuan Provincial Public Security Fire Brigade and Chongqing Public Security Fire Brigade, 2374 fire officers and soldiers, and 11 search and rescue dogs were put into earthquake relief. Public security firefighting units in the surrounding provinces of Sichuan gather for stand-by. From day to night, the fire brigade’s rescue operation did not stop. In the evening, the fire brigade played a professional rescue advantage and set up night lighting equipment to make good use of the favorable opportunities of low noise at night and to use sound and video, radar life detection equipment and search and rescue dogs to search and rescue the masses under pressure. As at 8:00 on April 23, fire officers and soldiers search and rescue trapped 165 people, evacuated and transferred masses of 6976 people. In the meantime, in order to prevent the victims from being hit by the earthquake and the fire, the fire department put forward fire safety measures for the construction and layout of all the resettlement sites for the victims and carried out uninterrupted fire inspections on 311 settlements and arranged for the fire engines to station and search . (This picture in addition to signature provided by the Xinhua News Agency)
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