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横纹肌肉瘤是幼儿常见的恶性程度较高的软组织肉瘤,好发于头颈、肢体和生殖泌尿系。我们遇到三例(颞骨2例,眼眶1例)报告如下: 例1,男,5岁,以右耳流脓1年6个月,右耳道肿物伴脸瘫4个月于1982、8、11、入院。入院前因作过二次“耳息肉”摘除术后脸瘫。入院后作乳突凿开术,发现耳道、鼓室和乳突腔充满息肉样物,听骨缺损,乳突骨质疏松。诊为“骨疡型中耳乳突炎”。半个月后术腔又长满息肉样物,乳突区红肿。又行乳突术腔清除,病理诊为乳突胚胎型模纹肌肉瘤(图1)。术后钴~(60)放射,存活1年9个月。 例2,男,2(1/2)岁,以左耳流血性脓液35天,头痛,呕吐一周,抽搐1天于1983、12、28、入院。入院检查见左耳道充满肉芽样物,左乳突区红肿。左眼 Rhabdomyosarcoma is a common soft tissue sarcoma with a high degree of malignancy in children, and it occurs in head and neck, limbs and genitourinary system. We encountered three cases (2 cases of sacrum and 1 case of eyelid) as follows: Case 1, male, 5 years old, suffocating right ear for 1 year and 6 months, right ear canal tumor with face bleb 4 months in 1982, 8, 11, admitted to hospital. Before admission, he had had a second “ear polyp” to remove his face. After mastectomy, it was found that the ear canal, tympanic cavity, and mastoid cavity were filled with polypoid material, bone defects, and mastoid osteoporosis. Diagnosis of “bone ulcer type middle ear mastoiditis.” Two weeks later, the surgical cavity was filled with polyps and the mastoid area was red and swollen. The mastoid cavity was removed and the pathological diagnosis was papillary muscle tumour of the papillae (Figure 1). Cobalt-(60) radiation after surgery survived for 1 year and 9 months. Example 2, male, 2 (1/2) years old, with left ear bleeding pus for 35 days, headache, vomiting for one week, convulsions 1 day in 1983, 12, 28, admitted to hospital. On admission, the left ear was filled with granulation-like material and the left mastoid area was red and swollen. Left eye
病例摘要 患者陈某,女,22岁。于1967年11月9日至我院门诊,因左膝腘窝外侧疼痛及有肿块逐渐长大已10个月。检查发现左膝腘窝外侧一蚕豆大肿块,有压痛,能活动,局部皮肤无红肿
本文报告5例桡骨远端骨巨细胞瘤瘤段切除后,应用Methylmethacrylate人工骨置换,随访6个月—10年,肿瘤无复发,手和前臂功能满意,腕部无疼痛。 In this report, 5 cases of me
小鼠子宫颈癌27号(U27)是我室用含20 甲基胆蒽的线穿过新鲜摘除的幼鼠子宫颈组织,埋藏于小鼠皮下诱发成功而建立的一株可移植性动物实体瘤。近年又将其筛选成一株自发转移率
本文报道2例食管克隆氏病,对该病的临床表现、X线特点、病理特点结合文献进行了讨论。食管克隆氏病需与结节病、食管癌、Barrett’s食管相鉴别。 This article reports two
中山医学院附属肿瘤医院于1984年9月24~27日在广州召开后装放射治疗技术专题会议。全国39个医疗单位的67名代表出席了会议。会议由李振权院长主持。 会议交流了后装放射治疗