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抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导中国人民进行着艰苦的持久战争;地处西南的国民党政府则消极抗日,积极反共,妄想保存实力,伺机消灭人民武装力量。当时在蒋政权统治下的所谓大后方,卖官鬻爵,贿赂公行,贪官污吏与奸商互相勾结,沆瀣一气,囤积居奇,哄抬物价,趁民族危机大发国难财。在蒋管区,社会风气之败坏本不难想象,但乌烟瘴气、千态万状一时焉能说得尽许多。我只把本人的一些经历加以叙述,大家便能对当时的社会风气洞窥一斑。 那时从沦陷区通过敌伪封锁线偷运货物到内地,是发财的捷径之一。如设在屯溪、界首等地的关卡,是尽人皆知的肥缺,蒋介石以其嫡系心腹顾祝同和汤恩伯分别把守,而军统特务和伪财政部等亦皆视为利薮,也派了大批爪牙参与走私,朋比分赃。他们明目张胆地与日伪勾结,垄断了全部重要物资 During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people in a protracted and protracted war. The KMT government in the southwest side actively opposed the Communist Party of China and actively opposed the Communists. They delusionally tried to preserve their strength and at the same time try to eliminate the people’s armed forces. At that time, the so-called rear area under the rule of Chiang Kai-shek was selling secret belligerents and bribing public officials. The corrupt officials and the profiteers colluded with each other, coaxed their lives and hoarding prices to raise prices and make a fortune in the wake of the ethnic crisis. It is not hard to imagine the corruption of social ethos in the Chiang Kong area. However, it is easy to imagine how many things can be done at any time. I only described some of my own experiences and we can all see the social atmosphere at that time. At that time, smuggling goods from the enemy-occupied areas through the enemy blockade and the smuggling of goods to the hinterland was one of the shortcut to making fortunes. Such as Tunxi, Jieshou and other places, is a well-known fertilizer shortage, Chiang Kai-shek with his heart and soul Gu Zhu Tong and Tony Enbo were guarded, and the military secret spy and the Ministry of Finance and other ministries are also regarded as noodles, but also sent a large number of minions Participate in smuggling, friends than stolen goods. They flagrantly collaborate with Japan and the Puppet and monopolize all important materials
近 几年来,济钢在做强做大、实现跨越式发展的过程 中,始终不懈地坚持职工培训创新,逐步形成了具有自身特色的培训创新体系。 首先是培训理念创新 培训理念创新是培训创新体
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1949年8月29日,对原苏联退役上校谢尔盖·达维多夫来说是个永生难忘的日子,就在这一天,他亲手按下了原苏联第一颗原子弹爆炸的主按钮…… On August 29, 1949, an unforgett
北京中華人民共和國主席毛澤东閣下: 值此我們兩國政府簽訂协定的愉快的时际,我以我个人的名义,并代表我的政府和 Excellency Mao Zedong, Chairman of People’s Republic
1999年 5月以来 ,笔者先后诊治由浅部真菌感染 (股癣症、脚癣症各 1例 )伴发尖锐湿疣误认性乱所致 ,现将整理资料报告如下 :例 1,患者 ,男 ,6 1岁 ,财会员 ,1999年5月 2 0日
(一)严格执行人民政府的土地改革法令不得违犯。(二)坚决拥护土地改革,不得包庇地主。(三)廉洁奉公,不得贪污果实,不得接受贿赂。 (1) Strict implementation of the peopl