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翻开中国共产党领导革命战争的历史画卷,我们可以清楚地看到,在那一场场拚杀中,都写下了民兵参战支前、献身革命的光辉篇章。土地革命战争时期,赤卫队、少先队成为工农红军的坚强助手和后备军。他们独立或直接配合红军打仗.根据需要可随时编入正规红军。这种主力红军、地方红军和赤卫队相结合的形式,为保卫和发展根据地发挥了重大作用。这一时期,全国根据地的赤卫队员、少先队员已发展到250多万人,成为共产党领导下的一支重要的武装力量。抗日战争时期,武工队、游击队等共产党领导下的群众武装.在敌后进行地雷战、地道战、麻雀战、水上游击战等.使日军陷入了人民战争的汪洋大海之中。在8年的抗战中,几百万民兵配合八路军、新四军作战,以劣势装备打败了优势装备的日本侵略者,创造了人民战争史上的奇迹。解放战争时期,民兵队伍迅速发展壮大,全力以赴地担负起支援前线的任务。在著名的辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役中.以民兵为骨干的支前大军就有500多万人.他们推着小车.挑着担子,赶着骡马,把大批的粮食、弹药、军需物资源源不断地运往前线。许多民兵随军远征,部队打到哪里,民兵就支援到哪里。淮海战役结束后,陈毅元帅曾形象地评价民兵和人民群众支前发挥的作用:“淮海战役的胜利.是人民群众用小车推出来的。”新中国建立初期.广大民兵继承和发扬了革命战争年代的优良传统.积极配合人民解放军,清剿匪特、追歼残敌、解放沿海岛屿。在4年多的时间里.广大民兵配合解放军在11个省(区)剿灭匪特36万多人,为巩固和发展革命成果作出了重大贡献。为了永远记住他们的丰功伟绩,庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年.本刊增设“共和国不会忘记”专栏,主要刊发在抗日战争、解放战争以及新中国建立初期反特、剿匪等斗争中涌现出来的老民兵英雄的传奇故事和一些典型战例.通过再现老一辈民兵的英雄形象.激励我们重温革命历史,发扬光荣传统,在鲜艳的五星红旗下,时刻牢记着自己的使命! To open the historical picture of the Chinese Communist Party in leading the revolutionary war, we can clearly see that in that scene all the militiamen wrote a brilliant chapter devoted to participating in the war and dedicating themselves to the revolution. During the land revolutionary war, the Red Guards and Young Pioneers became strong assistants and reserve forces for the Red Army of workers and peasants. They work independently or directly with the Red Army to fight. They can be readily incorporated into the regular Red Army as needed. This combination of the main Red Army, the local Red Army and the Red Guards played a major role in defending and developing the base area. During this period, more than 2.5 million Red Guards members and young pioneers in the base areas throughout the country had become an important armed force under the leadership of the Communist Party. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the armed forces under the leadership of the armed forces, guerrillas and other communist parties, they carried out land-mine warfare, tunnel warfare, real warfare, mahjong warfare, and guerrilla warfare in the water behind enemy lines that plunge the Japanese into the vast sea of ​​the People’s War. In the eight-year war of resistance against Japan, millions of militiamen cooperated with the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to defeat the Japanese invaders who had superior equipment in inferior equipment and created a miracle in the history of the people’s war. During the war of liberation, the militia troops were rapidly growing in strength and were fully engaged in the task of supporting the front line. In the famous three battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin, there were more than 5 million troops who were formerly armed with the militia as their backbone, pushing their trolley, carrying heavy loads of horses and horses, sending large quantities of grain, ammunition, Quartermaster supplies continue to be shipped to the front lines. Many militia expeditionary forces, where the troops hit, the militia where to support. After the battle of Huaihai was over, Marshal Chen Yi once vividly appraised the role played by the militia and the masses in advance: “The triumph of the Huaihai Campaign was launched by the masses with a small car.” “In the early days after the founding of New China, the majority of militiamen inherited and carried forward The fine traditions of the revolutionary war era actively cooperate with the People’s Liberation Army to clear up the bandits, chase down the enemy and liberate the coastal islands. In more than four years, the vast number of militias cooperating with the People’s Liberation Army in exterminating more than 360,000 bandit victims in 11 provinces (regions) made a significant contribution to the consolidation and development of the revolutionary achievements. In order to always remember their great achievements and celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, this magazine has added a special column entitled ”The Republic Will Not Forget", which mainly publishes the anti-Japan war and liberation war and the struggle against terrorism and banditry in the early days of the founding of New China In the heroic legend of the old militia emerged and some typical examples of war by reproducing the image of the hero of the older generation of militia to inspire us to review the history of revolution and promote the glorious tradition in the bright five-star flag, always keep in mind their mission!
<正> “我”在人们心目中的形象似乎不大好,“我”说多了,便难免有唯我论之嫌。而且,毫无疑问的是,无论在哪一个领域,唯我论的名声都不会很好,甚至很糟。但是,我们不能因为唯我论对“我”的极端化理解,就否认“我”的哲学意义。因为,无论
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