世间虽有真情在 唯有保险最永恒——“中小学生和幼儿园儿童住院医疗保险”深受广大群众欢迎

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由中国人民保险公司推出的“中小学生和幼儿园儿童住院医疗保险”,开办一年多来,成效卓著,深受广大人民群众的欢迎。目前,这一险种已在全国14个省市得到推广,承保人数达476万多人。这是中国人民保险公司副总经 The “Medical Insurance for Primary and Secondary Students and Kindergarten Children” launched by the People’s Insurance Company of China started more than a year ago with remarkable success and widespread popularity among the general public. At present, this kind of insurance has been promoted in 14 provinces and cities nationwide, with over 4.76 million underwriters. This is the deputy general manager of People’s Insurance Company of China
φ3~10mm 高速钢直柄麻花钻头过去采用分级淬火、空冷,然后进行正常回火(回火温度560℃,每次一小时,共三次)。为了消除弯曲变形,要进行人工调直。工人用小锤敲打,边调边检直
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