Self-assembly of lysozyme on the surfaces of gold nanoparticles

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aidam
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The interaction of lysozyme(Lys) and gold nanoparticles was investigated via UV-vis absorption and resonance light-scattering method.There are some changes of the plasmon absorption and resonance light-scattering of gold nanoparticles that were observed via the addition of Lys.The normalized plasmon absorption and resonance light-scattering intensity with gold nanoparticles were both linear wilh 1-20 nmol/L Lys.A simple model about the component of the gold nanoparticles and Lys complex was established and the calculated result was fitted well in their concentration ratio.Furthermore,the activity analysis of Lys showed that the interaction was weak and nondestructive. The interaction of lysozyme (Lys) and gold nanoparticles was investigated via UV-vis absorption and resonance light-scattering method. Here are some changes of the plasmon absorption and resonance light-scattering of gold nanoparticles that were observed via the addition of Lys. normalized plasmon absorption and resonance light-scattering intensity with gold nanoparticles were both linear wilh 1-20 nmol / L Lys. A simple model about the component of the gold nanoparticles and Lys complex was established and the calculated result was fitted well in their concentration ratio .Furthermore, the activity analysis of Lys showed that the interaction was weak and nondestructive.
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