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第三章档案库房温湿度的控制与调节学习这一章,首先要弄清温度、湿度的各种概念及其相互关系。绝对湿度虽然反映了空气中实际含水蒸汽的量,但并不能直接说明空气潮湿干燥的程度。空气潮湿还是干燥,是指这种空气状态下与其他物体中含水量多少的关系。空气潮湿意味着其他物体中含水量大,空气干燥意味着其他物体中含水量小。物体中含水量的大小与空气中实际含有水蒸汽的量距离饱和量的程度有关,空气含水蒸汽量越接近饱和量,空气还能容纳水蒸汽的量越小,其他物体会从空气中吸收水分而加大其含水量;空气含水蒸汽量距离饱和量越远,空气还能容纳水蒸汽的量越大,其他物体的水分会向空气中蒸发而降低其含水量。相对湿度是空气实际含水蒸汽的量与同温度下空气饱和量的百分比,相对湿度的百分数反映了空气含水蒸汽量距离饱和量的程度。相对湿度越大,即百分数越大,说明空 Chapter III Archives Room temperature and humidity control and regulation of learning this chapter, we must first understand the temperature and humidity of the various concepts and their interrelationships. Although the absolute humidity reflects the actual amount of water vapor in the air, it does not directly indicate the degree of dampness and air drying. Wet or dry air, refers to the state of the air with other objects in the amount of water content. Moist air means that other objects in the water content, air drying means that other objects in the water content is small. The size of the water content in an object is related to the degree of saturation in the air which actually contains water vapor. The closer the air-water vapor content is to the saturation, the smaller the amount of water that the air can contain water, and the other objects absorb moisture from the air And increase its water content; the amount of airborne water vapor away from the saturated volume, the air can hold the greater the amount of water vapor, the moisture of other objects will evaporate into the air to reduce its water content. Relative humidity is the percentage of the actual water vapor content of the air saturated with air at the same temperature, the percentage of relative humidity reflects the amount of water vapor from the air saturation level. The greater the relative humidity, the greater the percentage, indicating empty
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科技强国理论真,知识更新要提升。书本不厌百回读,熟读深思笔有神。 The theory of powerful nation in science and technology, knowledge update should be improved. Th
儿时对白衣天使的憧憬终于使我在 1984年走进卫校的大门。身着白大褂 ,经过这十几年忙忙碌碌的护士生涯 ,我越来越深刻的体会到 :能用自己的爱心和奉献来换取千百万人民的平