
来源 :浙江柑桔 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxp_crysta1
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红江橙是我国目前出口柑桔中在国际市场上有竞争能力的新品种。它具有抗病力强、高产稳产、肉质脆嫩、较化渣、甜酸适中、香味浓郁等特点,但果实偏小,易裂果,影响出口率和经济效益。为了解红江橙果实生长发育规律和影响果实增大的因素,从而提出增大果实、提高品质相应的技术措施,我所于1983~1986年对红江橙进行了果实生长发育观察。现将结果归纳总结如下。 一、观察方法 观察地点:红湖农场柑桔技术服务站 橙园土质:红壤土。坡度16.5° 观察树选1979年春植,江西红桔砧红江橙10株,树势一致,植株均匀。每株树选向阳、阴蔽、上中下部位无病虫害果实15个,分别挂牌观察,固定测量位置,隔一周测量记录果实的横径、纵径,同时记录降水量、日照时数、干旱日数、蒸发量,测定果实成熟的有效积温。 Hongjiang Orange is a new variety of citrus in our country that is competitive in the international market. It has the characteristics of strong disease resistance, high and stable yield, tender and crisp meat, moderate residue of sweet and sourness, rich flavor and other characteristics. However, the fruit is small and easy to crack, affecting the export rate and economic benefits. In order to understand the law of growth and development of orange fruit in Hongjiang and the factors which affect the fruit growth, we put forward the corresponding technical measures to increase the fruit and improve the quality. From 1983 to 1986, we observed the fruit growth and development of Hongjiang Orange. The results are summarized below. First, the observation method Observation Location: Red Lake Farm Orange Technology Service Station orange garden soil: red loam soil. 16.5 ° slope observation tree selected Spring planting in 1979, red orange anvil rootstock 10 red Jiangxi, tree potential uniform, plant uniform. Each tree was sunny and shadeless. There were 15 pest-free fruits in the middle and lower parts of the tree. The pests were listed for observation and fixed at the measurement sites. The transverse diameter and longitudinal diameter of the fruits were measured and recorded every other week. The precipitation, sunshine hours and days of drought , Evaporation, determination of fruit mature effective accumulated temperature.
植物名称:桑(Morus)品种为火桑、剑持等(Morus bombycis)。材料类别:20年生植株的冬芽芽芯。早春桑芽萌发前,剪取一年生枝条的中、上部分,以塑料薄膜包裹后贮藏于3—4℃温度
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目前,国美电器首家无进场费门店已经在济南开张,下半年还会有50家这样的门店在全国相继开业。在国美看来原本利好的消息,却引来一片质疑,也让不少家电供应商陷入了观望。 At
菠萝黑心病(black heart),也叫内生褐斑病(Endogenous brown Spot)、内部褐化病(Interual browning)及黑目病、小果心腐病、小果褐腐病等。目前国外多数学者认为是果实处于2