Relation and Intermediate States Between Quasicrystals and Crystals

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluelpower
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Soon after the discovery of quasicrystal, a special kind of disorder which exists only in quasicrystals and leads to shift, split and broadening of diffraction peaks began to draw attention. It was explained as a result of the frozen phason strain.In some cases the shift of diffraction peaks is so large that the peaks are arranged equidistantly along a certain direction, or the peaks are located at equi-spaced lines. Such phenomena were interpreted as the presence of local periodical translation or the presence of intermediate states between a quasicrystal and a crystal which is close to the quasicrystal in composition and local atomic Soon after the discovery of quasicrystal, a special kind of disorder which exists only in quasicrystals and leads to shift, split and broadening of diffraction peaks began to draw attention. It was explained as a result of the frozen phason strain. In some cases the shift of diffraction peaks is so large that the peaks are arranged equidistantly along a certain direction, or the peaks are located at equi-spaced lines. Such phenomena were interpreted as the presence of local periodical translation or the presence of intermediate states between a quasicrystal and a crystal which is close to the quasicrystal in composition and local atomic
目的 研究长期接触低浓度环氧丙烷工人的遗传效应。方法 采用气相色谱法对环氧丙烷作业现场进行监测的同时 ,采集工人血样 ,采用高灵敏的N alkylEdman气质谱法对血红蛋白加
吡格列酮 (pioglitazone,Pio)是由日本武田制药厂 80年代中期开发的新药 ,于 1999年7月获FDA批准在美国上市。Pio为胰岛素增敏剂 ,由噻唑烷二酮 (thiazolidinedione)衍生而来。临床上应用其盐酸盐 ,化学名为 :(± )
关于跳高的一些基本观念 1.在起跳腿离地之前,摆动腿必须加速向上摆动至水平状,以提供最大的垂直冲量. 2.只有在加大垂直腾起高度基础上,才可能进行过杆动作,没有垂直腾起,
目的 探讨不同浓度地尔硫卓对大鼠顿抑心肌的保护作用和复合应用异氟醚的保护增强作用。方法40只大鼠随机分成5组行Langendorff法离体心脏灌注。对照组(CONT):仅经过缺血处理;