随着海信、长虹、海尔、TCL等国内家电业顶尖好手大举进军电脑业,家电业巨头悉数加盟信息行业,以期在这一朝阳产业里大显身手。但从国际上看,除了东芝之外,还没有一家家电企业能够成功地实现从家电到电脑的跨越。肩负振兴民族经济重任的民族企业在这次浪潮中将会扮演什么样的角色呢? 同病相柃,相煎何急目前中国电脑市场除了联想之外,大多数厂家的年产量均在3万台以下,在这种情况下,虽然电脑行业对于家电企业来说是一个比较陌生的领域,但进
With Hisense, Changhong, Haier, TCL, and other top domestic appliance manufacturers entering the computer industry, the home appliance giants have joined the information industry in an effort to show off their talents in this sunrise industry. However, from an international point of view, no home appliance company has succeeded in achieving leapfrogging from home appliances to computers except for Toshiba. What kind of role will the national enterprise that plays a major role in revitalizing the national economy play in this wave? What is the opposite of illness? What are the current deficiencies? In addition to Lenovo in the Chinese computer market, the average annual output of most manufacturers is 30,000. Below Taiwan, in this case, although the computer industry is a relatively unfamiliar field for home appliance companies,