Effects of LaCl_3 on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Fny-infected tobacco seedlings

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuchenyk
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Plant growth, gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, disease index, and disease prevention efficiency of LaCl3 in tobacco (Nicotiana glutinosa) plants infected by Fny-CMV (fny stain of cucumber mosaic virus) strain were determined. Leaf area, chloro-phyll and carotenoid contents, maximum photosynthesis rate, apparent quantum yield, and carboxylation efficiency dramatically decreased after 5 weeks post inoculation. The plants infected by Fny-CMV only presented much severer symptom than those infected in the presence of appropriate concentration of LaCl3. ETR (apparent rate of photosynthetic electron transport), NPQ (nonphotochemical quenching), qP (coef-ficient of photochemical quenching), and yield (II) in infected tobacco plants obviously reduced in higher light intensity after 5 weeks post inoculation. And these fluorescence parameters in Fny-infected plants obviously reduced compared with those in the plants infected by Fny in the presence of LaCl3. Together with the growth status and disease index, it revealed that exogenously appropriate concentration of LaCl3 could significantly alleviate the damage of tobacco seedlings caused by Fny-CMV. Plant growth, gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, disease index, and disease prevention efficiency of LaNt3 in tobacco (Nicotiana glutinosa) plants infected by Fny-CMV (fny stain of cucumber mosaic virus) carotenoid contents, maximum photosynthesis rate, apparent quantum yield, and carboxylation efficiency potential decreased after 5 weeks post inoculation. The plants infected by Fny-CMV only presented much severer symptom than those infected in the presence of appropriate concentration of LaCl3. ETR (apparent rate of photosynthetic electron transport, NPQ (nonphotochemical quenching), qP (coef-ficient of photochemical quenching), and yield (II) in infected tobacco plants significantly reduced in higher light intensity after 5 weeks post inoculation. And these fluorescence parameters in Fny- infected plantsarently reduced compared with those in the plants infected by Fny in the presence of LaCl3. Together with th e growth status and disease index, it revealed that exogenously appropriate concentration of LaCl3 could greatly alleviate the damage of tobacco seedlings caused by Fny-CMV.
我院1953年至1981年收治外伤性前房出血145例,简要分析如下。 (一)一般资料 145例中,男120例,占82.7%;女25例,占18.3%。10岁以下者31例,占21.5%;10—20岁46例,占31.9%:21—3
先天性喉下垂罕见,我科曾遇1例,报道如下: 女,23岁。自幼声音低沉,中学时更为明显,大声说话较费力,进食饮水时有呛咳。10岁时发现颈正中下部稍隆起,但无其他不适,恐有“肿瘤
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