Model parameters estimation of aero-engine based on hybrid optimization algorithm

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdszsh122
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A hybrid optimization algorithm for the time-domain identification of multivariable,state space model for aero-engine was presented in this paper.The optimization procedure runs particle swarm optimization(PSO) and least squares optimization(LSO) “in series”.PSO starts from an initial population and searches for the optimum solution by updating generations.However,it can sometimes run into a suboptimal solution.Then LSO can start from the suboptimal solution of PSO,and get an optimum solution by conjugate gradient algorithm.The algorithm is suitable for the high-order multivariable system which has many parameters to be estimated in wide ranges.Hybrid optimization algorithm is applied to estimate the parameters of a 4-input 4-output state variable model(SVM) for aero-engine.The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. A hybrid optimization algorithm for the time-domain identification of multivariable, state space model for aero-engine was presented in this paper. The optimization procedure runs particle swarm optimization (PSO) and least squares optimization (LSO) “in series ”. PSO starts from an initial population and searches for the optimum solution by incubation generations. However, it can sometimes run into a suboptimal solution. Here LSO can start from the suboptimal solution of PSO, and get an optimum solution by conjugate gradient algorithm. Algorithm is suitable for the high-order multivariable system which has many parameters to be estimated in a wide range. Hybrid optimization algorithm is applied to estimate the parameters of a 4-input 4-output state variable model (SVM) for aero-engine. results demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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