石雕大师刘能风倾力创作 中国文物学会权威监制 世界遗产“紫袍玉观音”隆重发行

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世界遗产重庆大足石刻代表作典藏版第一次公开发行独具中华民族审美情趣的观音雕像神秘亮相国际工艺美术家刘能风亲手雕刻,呈现炉火纯青的巅峰工艺动用国家严格限量开采的珍品原料“紫袍玉”中外政要名流竞相收藏CCTV《中国新闻》、新华网热点追踪黄藏背景:世界遗产的宝藏石窟艺术的丰碑大足石刻位于重庆市大足县,其规模之大,内容之丰富,雕工之精湛,令人叹为观止。联合国教 World Heritage Chongqing Dazu Rock Carvings Collection Edition First Public Offering Unique Chinese Aestheticism of the Guanyin statue mysterious appearance International arts and crafts artist Liu Nengfeng hand carved, showing the prime of the peak process The use of national strict limited edition of the treasures of raw materials “Chinese and foreign celebrities competing to collect CCTV” China News ", Xinhuanet tracking hot Huangzhong Background: World Heritage treasure Grotto art monument Dazu rock carvings located in Dazu County, Chongqing, its large scale, rich content, carving superb , It is amazing. United Nations
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目的:探讨莪术消癥丸治疗子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMT)的临床疗效,并与丹莪妇康煎膏的临床疗效进行比较分析。  材料和方法:1将128例EMT患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,各6
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