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群众路线是我党根本的政治路线和组织路线,也是我党根本的领导作风和工作方法,是党的群众观的具体化。对群众路线的本质进行探究,深刻领悟群众路线的内涵和发展规律,对新时期开展群众路线主题教育实践活动有着重大的现实指导意义,对我党夯实立党之本、执政之基有着长远的战略意义。本文从哲学的维度进行理论初探,引入马克思主义唯物辩证法的三大基本规律,阐明对立统一规律孕育群众路线的发展源泉,矛盾的斗争性和同一性为群众路线起源、形成和发展提供根本动力;群众路线的确立是在质量互变规律作用下的必然结果,其发展的过程状态呈现为渐进性与飞跃性的统一;否定之否定规律揭示群众路线的发展走势,其特殊性的原理为新时代背景下的群众路线主题教育实践活动,提供有力的理论支撑和思想保障。敢于、善于运用唯物辩证法的基本规律对群众路线进行理论剖析,有助于提升群众路线主题教育实践活动的现实成效。 The mass line is the fundamental political line and organizational line of our party and the fundamental leadership style and working method of our party. It is the embodiment of the party’s mass view. Exploring the essence of the mass line and profoundly comprehending the connotation and development pattern of the mass line have a significant practical significance in carrying out the theme education practice in the mass line in the new period and have a long-term significance for our party in consolidating the foundation for establishing the party. Strategic significance This article first explores the theory from the philosophical dimension, introduces the three basic laws of Marxist materialist dialectics, clarifies the sources of development that the law of opposites unifies the birth of the mass line, and the struggle and identity of conflicts provide the fundamental impetus for the origin, formation and development of the mass line. The establishment of the mass line is an inevitable result under the effect of the law of interdependence of quality. The process of its development presents a gradual and leaping unity. The negative law of negation reveals the development trend of the mass line. The principle of its particularity is a new era Under the background of the mass line theme education practice activities, to provide a strong theoretical support and ideological support. Dare to be good at using the basic law of materialist dialectics to conduct a theoretical analysis of the mass line so as to help enhance the practical results of the mass line thematic education practice.
虽然初中英语教学受到人们的普遍重视,教学质量也在不断提高,但不可否认的是,由于长期受应试教育的影响,大多数英语教师只重视机械地传授英语知识,片面地追求考试分数,而忽视了学生的全面发展。如何将学生的被动吸收变为主动学习,是初中英语教学改革的任务之一。笔者从多年英语教学实践出发,以下就如何提高英语教学的效率简要地谈一些经验。  一、明确英语教学目标,优化英语课堂教学  英语教学要有明确的教学目标。一堂
目的探讨糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)早期预防与宣教的防治方法。方法对109例DR患者进行回顾性分析总结。结果 109例DR患者中70例经过早期预防与宣教并坚持正规治疗,DR病理演变发生
对6 mm厚和8 mm厚两种规格汽车大梁钢WL510以及WL590、WL700产品共4组数据进行含二维单侧容限系数的升降法分析。结果表明,参考以往经验数据的二维升降法结果的相对偏差比常