医院信息化所涵盖的内容十分广泛,涉及医学、信息科学、计算机技术和通讯技术等多个领域,而建立完善的医院信息系统(Hospi-tal Information System,HIS)是其实现的关键。信息技术的应用使临床工作发生了革命性的变革,为实现临床业务的无纸化和无片化运行奠定了物质基础。信息技术在临床上得到应用主要体现在以下几个方面:电子病案(Electronic Medical Record,EMR)、图像存档与传输系统(Pic-ture Archiving and Communication Systen,PACS)、医生工作站和临床检验信息系统(Laboratory Information System,LIS)。信息技术在临床工作中的广泛应用能够显著提高医院的医疗服务水平、工作效率及科研能力。
Hospitals informatization covers a wide range of areas including medicine, information science, computer technology and communication technology, and so on. Establishing a complete HIS system is the key to its realization. The application of information technology has revolutionized the clinical work and laid the material foundation for realizing the paperless and non-operation of clinical business. The clinical applications of information technology are mainly reflected in the following aspects: Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Pic-ture Archiving and Communication Systen (PACS), doctor’s workstation and clinical examination information system ( Laboratory Information System, LIS). The wide application of information technology in clinical work can significantly improve the hospital’s medical service level, work efficiency and scientific research ability.