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自工业设计教育在我国开展以来,发展迅速,越来越多的高校开始设立该专业。然而在其专业设立、教学、发展等过程中存在理论与实践脱节等诸多问题,本文在联系高校工业设计教学情况的基础上,结合社会及行业的发展,初步探讨了在国内工业设计教育中应注意的几个问题。 Since industrial design education was launched in our country, it has developed rapidly. More and more colleges and universities have started to set up the major. However, there are many problems such as disjunction between theory and practice in the course of professional establishment, teaching and development. Based on the situation of industrial design teaching in colleges and universities and the combination of social and industrial development, Pay attention to a few questions.
分析户式中央空调的市场现状及发展前景。 Analysis of residential central air conditioning market status and development prospects.
本文结合工程实例,介绍了塑性混凝土防渗墙施工技术在水库除险加固中的应用及质量控制要点。 In this paper, combined with engineering examples, introduced the applica
目的研究转化生长因子β(TGFβ)和重组人骨形成蛋白2(rhBMP2)对人牙周膜成纤维细胞(HPDLFs)增殖和分化的作用.方法观察TGFβ和rhBMP2 单独、同时和相继应用对培养的HPDLFs增
为了降低新生儿颅内出血的病死率与伤残率 ,对 1 998年 1 0月~ 1 999年 3月具有窒息、异常分娩、产前产时并发症者的患儿生后 3~ 7天 3 7例行颅脑超声检查、63例行头颅CT检查。
A three-dimensional numerical model was developed to simulate reaeration using a body-fitted coordinate system. The model was designed to calculate the velocity
Copolymerization of ethylene with carbon monoxide was performed with Cu catalyst systems. Novel catalyst systems based on Cu (Cu(CH3COO)2/ligand/acid) were firs
患者 ,男性 ,76岁 ,主因左侧阴囊巨大肿物 2 2年于 2 0 0 0年 10月收住院。 1978年夏患者无意中在左阴囊触摸到一花生米大小的肿块 ,不伴其它任何不适 ,未予重视。随病程延长