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中保财产保险天津市分公司在过去的一年中,面对新情况,结合实际,认真贯彻落实党的十五大精神,学习邯钢经验,树立“成本”观念,走效益兴司之路,深化企业内容分配制度、劳动用工制度改革,创造了较为理想的经营成果。完成了各项经营指标,经济效益较九七年成倍增长,并在对全国范围内中保财险各分公司进行的利润总额、人均保费、人均利润、保费利润率四项指标考核中,均进入前五名。我们加大了风险管理的力度,强化了风险意识,收到良好成效。工作中我们严格履行“人民保险造福人民”的企业宗旨,视为天津 In the past year, PICC Property & Casualty Insurance Tianjin Branch, in face of the new situation and in light of the actual situation, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, learned the experience of Handan Iron and Steel and set up the concept of “cost” Road, deepen the enterprise content distribution system, labor and employment system reform, and create a more satisfactory operating results. Completed the business indicators, economic benefits doubled compared with 1997, and in the national profits of the insurance companies in various branches of the total profit, per capita premium, per capita profit, premium rate of four indicators of assessment, Have entered the top five. We stepped up risk management efforts, reinforced our risk awareness and received good results. In our work, we strictly implement the corporate philosophy of “People’s Insurance for the benefit of the people” and regard it as Tianjin
奥运建设如火如荼,奥运概念股逆势走红,中体产业、G北巴一路领跑,吸引市场投资者注目。随着奥运项目的按期推进,奥运概念股长线走强值得期待。 Olympic construction in ful
  Aim To investigate the therapic effects of Pae on brain ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat.To observe neurological scores,oxidative stress, blood brain barr
笔者在几年的栽培和辅导生产中,逐步摸索出一种简便易行的预处理陈旧棉籽壳的办法。现介绍如下: 第一步是晒料。在播种前一个星期,将棉子壳在太阳底下曝晒3—4天,晒时可掺进