
来源 :焊接 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnm008
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前言等离子焊接比钨极氩弧焊优点多,主要是热量集中,焊缝窄,焊件变形小;弧柱刚性大,不易飘移,焊速快,熔深大;弧柱呈园柱形;电流密度大,弧长的变化对焊件输入热量和熔深影响小;电极缩在喷咀内,不易污染、烧损和电极寿命长等。虽然一般认为等离子焊接在很多场合将取代钨极氩弧焊,但在实际生产中应用并不广泛,主要原因是:等离子焊接过程的稳定性差,缺乏良好的重复性,尤其在大电流焊接时。本文介绍了我们采用弱等离子焊接工艺克服双弧,提高了焊接过程的稳定性。我们认为,弱等离子焊接工艺是提高稳定性的有效办法;另外,还介绍了提高等离子焊接过程稳定性的其他途径。 Preface Plasma welding has many advantages over TIG welding, mainly due to the concentrated heat, narrow welding seam and small deformation of the welding part. The arc column is rigid and difficult to drift. The welding speed is fast and the welding depth is large. The arc column is cylindrical. Large density, arc length changes on the weldment heat input and impact of small penetration; electrode shrink in the nozzle, not easy to pollution, burning and long life of the electrode. Although plasma welding is generally considered to replace TIG welding on many occasions, it is not widely used in practice. The main reasons are: the poor stability of the plasma welding process and the lack of good repeatability, especially at high current welding. This article describes our use of a weak plasma welding process to overcome the double arc and improve the stability of the welding process. We believe that the weak plasma welding process is an effective way to improve the stability. In addition, other ways to improve the stability of the plasma welding process are also introduced.
以平民的视角,在时代变革的大背景中记录普通人物的命运,纪录片如何在关注个体生命体验的同时以小见大,折射时代风云变迁? From the perspective of civilians, we record t
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