由空军西安基地原政治部主任张国柱收藏的《毛泽东自传》,几经周折终于面世,现摘录其中一部分,以飨读者。 在第一章“一颗红星的幼年” 中,在介绍完毛泽东的家境后,书中写道: “我七岁起,就在本村一个小学读书,一直到十三岁。每天清早和晚上,我在田里做工。白天就读四书。我的塾师管教甚严。他很严厉,时常责打学生。因此,我在十三岁时,便从校中逃出。逃出以后,我不敢回家,恐怕挨打,于是向城上方向走去,我以为那个城是在某处一个山谷里的。我漂流了三天之后,家里人找到我。这时我才知道,我的旅行不过绕来绕去地兜圈子而已,一共走的路程不过距离家里约八里。”“但回家
The “Autobiography of Mao Zedong,” which was originally collected by Zhang Guozhu, former director of the Political Department of the Air Force’s Xi’an Base, has finally released some of the twists and turns to readers. In Chapter One, “A Red Star’s Young Child,” after introducing Mao’s family, the book wrote: “When I was seven, I was in primary school in my village until I was 13. Every morning and early evening, I worked in the fields, studying four books during the day, and my private teacher was very disciplined, he was very harsh, and often punished his students, so I escaped from school when I was 13. I did not dare to return Home, I am afraid I was beaten, so I walked to the city, I thought that the city is somewhere in a valley.I drifted for three days, the family found me.At this time I learned that my travel but around Go around and circle it, but a total distance of about eight miles away from home. ”" But go home