职工转变观念 车队提高效益

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我们运输六队是以各型吊车、大吨位货运车等特种车辆服务于管道施工和油田建设的,有过值得骄傲的历史.随着市场经济的不断发展,我们长期服务的管道、油田吊装市场逐步减少,加之设备老化,成本不断增加,生产经营日趋艰难,一度亏损.面对严峻的形势和激烈的市场竞争,我们坚持抓职工的观念转变,促进了生产经营的好转,取得了较好的经济效益.在公司全面亏损的情况下,连续两年完成利润指标.实践使我们体会到,要想在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存,干部必须有市场观念.思想观念滞后于形势,生产经营工作就会陷于被动;转变观念就有市场主动权,善于捕捉市场机遇,就会取得较好的经济效益.由于油田不断减人退车、解除服务合同,因而出现了吊车找活难,有车无活干的局面,导致了建队以来的第一次亏损.严峻的形势迫使我们反思:感到,过去吊车找活难是因为我们找活的范围没有跳出石油行业这个圈子,是经营思路过窄,经营方针不灵活,放不下国营企业大架子,思想观念还不能适应市场形势的要求.经过学习和讨论,进一步认识到,要想取得生产经营的主动权,必须更新观念,通过转变观念来开拓新的市场,在开拓市场中进一步转变观念.在经营思想上,由过去干活找领导,花钱靠上级的观念,转变为干活找市场,花钱靠自己的观念; Our six shipping groups are proud to serve the construction of pipelines and oilfields with special types of cranes, large tonnage trucks, etc. As the market economy continues to evolve, our long-term service pipeline, oil rigging market In the face of the severe situation and fierce market competition, we persisted in changing the concept of employees, promoted the improvement of production and operation and achieved better results. Economic Benefit: In the case of a full loss of a company, the profit target has been completed for two consecutive years in practice, which has led us to realize that in order to survive in the fierce market competition, cadres must have a market concept, and their ideas lag behind the situation and the production and operation Work will be trapped in the passive; change the concept of the market initiative, be good at capturing market opportunities, it will achieve better economic returns. As the field continue to reduce the number of cars, lifting the service contract, which appeared to find a living crane truck, a car No live-dry situation, led to the first loss since the establishment of the team.The grim situation forces us to reflect on: I feel that in the past the crane to survive because I The scope of their job search did not jump out of the circle of the petroleum industry, which is a narrow business philosophy, the management policy is not flexible, can not let the big state-owned enterprises, ideas and concepts can not meet the requirements of the market situation.After learning and discussion, further understanding In order to obtain the initiative in production and operation, we must update our concepts, open up new markets by changing our concepts, and further change our concepts in pioneering the market. In business philosophy, from the past, looking for leadership and spending money on the higher level, Work hard to find the market, spend their own ideas;
The “double low-points” anomaly in daily variation of vertical geomagnetic component was observed on May 9,2008 at 13 geomagnetic observatories belonging to t
患者男性,46岁.左眼被树枝扎伤后流血2 h,于2005年4月22日来我院就诊.入院前2 h患者因醉酒摔倒,颜面部着地被树枝扎伤,伤后患者意识丧失,左侧肢体运动障碍,尿失禁;左眼睑高度肿胀、出血.全身检查:神志浅昏迷,躁动,查体不配合;左侧上、下肢肌力为0,右侧上、下肢肌力为Ⅱ级;左侧Babinski征(+),Chaddock征(+).眼部检查:因意识不清,未查视力;左眼睑高度肿胀,皮下暗紫色淤血
Background: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common skin lymphoma. The aetiology of MF remains unknown, and no therapy has to date significantly altered patie
我们观察剖它产术胎儿娩出前用吸替陡、氟崛陡合剂(以下简称派氟合剂)对新生儿和麻醉效果的影响,报告如下。 We observe the anatomy of its fetus before delivery with a
无论去哪里,我们都会发现错位的人。店员不喜欢量尺寸,农场的男孩儿讨厌犁和锄头,教师鄙视教室且对学生不感兴趣,律师不喜欢做笔录和沉闷乏味的办公室工作,医生厌恶他们的职业。  漠不关心,缺乏热情,草率行事,没精打采,缺乏诚挚热切的动力和兴趣,从这些方面看,你会认为很大部分人都没有找到合适的位置。  有些人在贫困中挣扎,身负沉重的抵押借款,在农场里过着非常低劣的生活,可他们却是天生的法理学家和演讲家。他
为加强抗菌药物管理,促进抗菌药物的合理使用,我院自2004年评为二级甲等医院起对临床抗菌药物的滥用状况每月进行检查,以便了解抗菌药 In order to strengthen the manageme