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“公共空间”或“公共领域”是外来的概念,但“公共空间”却不完全是外来的。村头的大树下,井口旁,场院中;城镇的集市庙会,街头巷尾,茶楼酒肆……往往是升斗小民自然而然的聚会场所,虽然所谈大多是生老病死、年景收成、家长里短、男男女女、流言飞语,但这毕竟是平民百姓间的信息交流,而且,间或也会有些许关于社区、甚至“天下大事”的话题,所以在某些“敏感时期”这里那里才或会贴有“莫谈国事”的条子,提醒人切莫自招祸害。不过在传统中国,公共空间毕竟非常有限,更不“自觉”。如中国的园林可谓历史悠久美不胜收,但不是皇家园林就是私家花园,从无“公园”;奇禽异兽向囿皇家林苑或私人庭院,从无公共“动物园”;中国历来不乏嗜书如命的藏书家,几大藏书楼至今仍是文化史上的美谈,但不是皇家馆阁就是私人藏书楼,从无公共“图书馆”;文物古董从来是文人学士的雅好,好古博雅者甚众,但不是皇家珍藏就是私人摩挲把玩之物,从无公共“博物馆”。而这类“公 “Public space” or “public sphere” is an alien concept, but “public space” is not entirely foreign. In the village head of the tree, wellhead next to the yard; town fair temples, streets and lanes, restaurants, restaurants ... ... is often a natural meeting place to rise to fight small people, although most of the talks are sick and old, crops, parents, men and women, rumors However, after all, it is an exchange of information among the common people. Moreover, there may be occasional topics about the community or even “major events in the world”. Therefore, in some “sensitive periods” there will be “ State affairs, ”reminding people not to resort to scourges. However, in traditional China, after all, public space is very limited, not “consciously.” Such as the Chinese garden can be described as beautiful and historic, but not the Royal Garden is a private garden, no “park”; exotic animals and birds to Royal Garden or private courtyard, no public “zoo”; China has always been no shortage of books like life Book collectors, several large collection of books is still a cultural talk of beauty, but not the Royal Pavilion is a private library, no public “library”; antiques and antiques has always been the bachelor of literati, But not the royal treasure is the private maneuver to play things, no public “museum.” And such "public
198 7年 Palman等用生物化学发光技术证实内皮细胞衍生舒张因子 ( Endothelium derived relaxing factor,EDRF)的本质就是一氧化氮 ( Nitric Oxide,NO)。NO可在哺乳动物的多
银杏叶 (ginkgo biloba leaves)系银杏科植物银杏 (ginkgobiloba L .)的干燥叶 ,其性甘苦涩 ,具有益心敛肺、化湿止泻、活血化瘀、通脉舒络的作用。银杏叶提取物 (ginkgo bil
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为探讨酒精对大鼠尾壳核神经元发育的影响 ,以 32只SD乳鼠为材料 (酒精组和对照组各 16只 ) ,对生后早期 (1、7、15、2 6d )的大鼠尾壳核神经元的平均面积 (CPuA)进行了定量
斯大林曾考虑一旦战败便流亡到印度去 1942年的那个令人焦心的夏天,德军向伏尔加河 流域和北高加索不断推进,其精锐部队则依然呆在通 往苏联首都的要冲部位。空荡荡的莫斯科
目的 :建立中药红曲基原菌中挥发性成分的气相色谱分析法。方法 :采用毛细管气相色谱法分析橙色红曲霉等 7种红曲霉的挥发性酸和非挥发性酸 ;进样口温度 2 80℃ ,检测器温度