
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szhg5583
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  【Abstract】based on the theory of constructivism, this paper discusses the application of constructivism learning view in business English teaching, aiming at improving the effectiveness of business English teaching.
  【Key words】constructivism; Business English; English learning
  Business English is an important branch of ESP(English for Special Purposes). Strevens (1988) has proposed four distinguishing characteristics of ESP: (I) meet specific learners’ demand;(II) relating to a particular major or profession;(III) vocabulary, syntax and discourse are put in the language application of specific professional activities;(IV) contrast with ordinary English. This means that the learning of Business English should also be centered around these four characteristics to train and cultivate students’ language skills and communicative competence in the context of business. However, the traditional business English teaching and learning mode, whose focus is still the language, hasn’t cultivated well and fully students to use the language communicative competence because professional, practical and basic characteristics as knowledge of the course has not been reflected. Students are also in the dull classroom atmosphere lack of initiative and self-consciousness of learning English. Theory of constructivism is “a revolution” in traditional teaching which provides a new way for the reform of Business English teaching and learning and great significance for Business English learning.
  The theory of constructivism
  Constructivism is essentially a search for answers to “how to acquire knowledge” from Piaget’s Epistemology. Piaget, from the angle of cognitive occurrence and development of children’s psychological system with in-depth study of cognitive subject, put forward on the basis of the existing knowledge and experience to build new knowledge voluntarily, rather than passively accepting from external stimulation. On the basis of Piaget theory, many experts have developed the theory of constructivism from various angles. Vygotsky put forward the theory of social constructivism. He emphasized the importance of learning social and cultural essence and collaborative learning. American psychologist Bruner’s theory is a blend of Piaget’s constructivism and Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism, which make further development and improvement to put forward the teaching theory of “learners as the center”. Later, he advocated “discovery learning”. Knowledge is not instilled in students by teachers, but students in the guidance of teachers to discover and to construct. Although these theories are different, they have a common principle for learning: emphasis on learning initiative, social and situational aspects.   The basic idea of constructivist learning theory is that learning is the process that learners actively construct internal mental structure. This is a dynamic and developmental process, and learners are always consciously and actively interacting with the environment. Constructivism theory advocates the learning method under the guidance of teachers and students as the center. Students are active constructors of knowledge. Knowledge is not taught by teachers, but by the help of other people in a certain situation, by using the necessary learning resources and by means of meaningful construction. Therefore advocated by constructivism learning theory, teaching mode should be “take the student as the center, and in the whole teaching process teachers play a role of organizer, instructor, helper and promoter. The use of the learning environment elements such as situation, cooperation and conversation give full play to the students’ initiative, positivity and pioneering spirit, to make students’ learning effectively in the purpose of construction current knowledge”. In summary, the ideal learning environment consists of four elements: situation, collaboration, conversation and meaning.
  “Situation” is a more realistic scene and corresponding communication activity for the language communication activities that teachers create for learners. The aim is to make the students complete the meaning construction in such environment and language activities. “Collaboration” refers to the communication and consultation activities during the learning process. These include the sharing of learning materials, the evaluation of learning results and the establishment of the final meaning, which should be carried through the whole learning activity process. “Conversation” is the most basic and indispensable link in the process of collaboration, which refers to the communication and discussion between teachers and students to solve relevant problems and complete the required learning tasks. “Meaning of construction” is the ultimate purpose of the whole learning process, which refers to the inner link between things, in order to help students to construct meaning and achieve a deep understanding of content.
  The constructivist learning concept clearly illustrates the cognitive law of human learning process, and four factors are of great guiding significance for business English teaching.
  The application of constructivism in business English learning.   Gagnon
摘 要:预应力技术是现代城市化建设过程中路桥施工中的重要技术形式,以其自身刚度大、抗渗透性好以及防止开裂等优势,在路桥施工中发挥着重要的作用。本文基于预应力技术的应用价值进行分析,探讨预应力技术在路桥施工中的实际应用情况,仅供建筑行业相关人士参考。  关键词:预应力技术;路桥施工;应用  预应力技术在路桥施工中具有良好的应用价值,预应力施工技术水平在一定程度上影响着整个路桥工程建设质量。为全面提高
摘 要:在社会发展的过程中,逐渐产生了预算额定这一理论,在对工程造价进行控制的过程中,已经成为其必不可少的手段之一,可以说是具有一定进步意义的。在当前的预算额定应用过程中,其使用范围已经愈发广泛,可以说在很多个行业间都有所应用。这是有效控制成本的措施手段之一。因此本文主要从这一角度出发,对工程造价管理的相关情况进行分析,提出工程项目的造价管理所具有的特点,这对于管理水平的进一步发展具有重要的帮助。
摘 要:众所周知,路桥工程的质量与广大人民群众的生命安全、社会经济的发展状况还有国家社会的稳定有着密不可分的联系。因为路桥工程包含很多重要环节,包括勘察地质、设计图纸、开始施工以及安装必要的设备等,然而,我国这个行业的管理体系还不完善,在施工过程中往往存在许多的问题。本文就是通过分析多年来路桥工程中出现的各种问题,对这项工程提出了一些管理措施,使新时期的路桥工程能够更加完善,工作质量更高,给人们更
摘 要:面对城市中越来越严重的交通问题,在城市的道路桥梁建设中采用了较多的结构设计方式。其中,异性连续梁结构就是其中一种。由于,这种结构可以使桥梁的功能要求得到满足,同时有具备一定的观赏性,因此得到了广泛的运用。但是,在这种结构的建设中,需要最大限度地缩短工期,并且保证桥梁的质量。因此,本文主要从异性连续梁结构的实用简化设计方法方面入手进行分析,仅供参考。  关键词:异性连续梁;构造布置;简化设计
摘 要:坝基施工是水利工程建设的基础,对水利工程质量的提高具有十分重要的意义,如果坝基施工质量较差,那么整个水利工程的水利质量和施工性能的发挥也无法得到保证。由于大部分水利工程的坝基建设条件都比较差,施工环境也不是非常完好,所以坝基在施工过程中的操作难度也比较大。因此,若想提高水利工程坝基建设的质量就需要工程相关工作人员对施工现场的环境进行仔细勘察,再根据施工区域的具体环境情况和工程建设要求制定合