以强军兴国为己任 推进军事科技创新

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十七大报告强调指出,要“适应世界军事发展新趋势和我国发展新要求,推进军事理论、军事技术、军事组织、军事管理创新”。国防科学技术大学肩负着培养军队高级科技人才与指挥人才、从事先进武器装备和国防关键技术研究的重大使命,推进军事科技自主创新责无旁贷。近年来,我校坚持以科学发展观为指导,紧贴中国特色军事变革的战略需求,着力提高自主创新能力,掌握核心技术,在先进武器装备研制和国防关键技术研究方面形成了优势和特色,取得了以银河系列计算机为代表的一批重大军事科技创新成果。 The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that it is necessary to “adapt to the new trend of world military development and to the new requirements of our country’s development, and push forward innovation in military theory, military technology, military organizations and military administration.” National University of Defense Technology shoulders the responsibility of training senior scientific and technical personnel and commanding personnel of the armed forces, engaging in the major mission of studying advanced weaponry and equipment and the key technology in national defense and advancing the independent innovation of military science and technology. In recent years, our school has adhered to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, kept close to the strategic needs of military reform with Chinese characteristics, focused on improving the capability of independent innovation and mastering core technologies, and formed advantages and characteristics in research and development of advanced weaponry and key national defense technologies. Made a series of major military scientific and technological innovations represented by the Galaxy series of computers.
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从那个城堡出来,雨又稍微大了起来。时值初冬,雨透着寒意,使人说话也止不住浑身哆嗦。香港冬季来自外地的游客照例很少,这两天就专门陪同这一位来自东南亚的张小姐。公司说哪怕团里只有一位游客,导游计划也不能取消,能收多少就多少吧。这个傍晚我就驾车,陪我的服务对象游这新辟的城堡。  “先避避雨吧,張小姐?”  “我还想仔细参观一下。”  “好吧。”我说,并打起了伞,叫她走到伞下。  城堡在林子深处。林子既暗
王相宜,1999年生,河南洛阳一高学生。多次荣获校“三好学生”“优秀学生”称号,在《洛阳日报》《洛阳晚报》发表多篇文章。喜爱文学,擅长动漫作画,喜欢科幻小说创作。  无法想象,我竟然在显微镜下化验一滴水。这种小孩子入门的学习内容早就被我遗忘掉了,重新操作起来有点不太适应。这滴水很特殊。调整好粗准焦螺旋,我把头探向目镜。有点紧张,像是要窥探一个未知的世界一样。  突然,我的手机尖叫起来,吓得我差点打
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我迷路了,跟驴友们约好的集合地点,我却怎么也找不到地方了,手机打不通。在这茫茫的暮蔼之中,我分不清东西南北。渺无人烟的盘山路上,孤零零的我面对自己的自行车,不知道该怎么办才好。难道,我就这样被困在这里了吗?我的父母还等着我去养老,我的事业还没有头绪,我的爱情还没有出现,难道我就要死了吗?一股酸楚感涌上心头,我嚎啕大哭起来。  一声响亮的汽车喇叭声响起,如同天籁。我惊喜地发现,一辆银色的富康停在我面
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