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  Once upon a time, the only equipment you needed for market research was a 1)brisk manner, a clipboard and a supply of HB pencils. Recently, however, we have seen the rise of the all-seeing yet anonymous mystery shoppers. They 2)pose as innocent customers, yet in reality they are on a 3)reconnaissance mission for the management.
  These 4)undercover 5)operatives have become so common in the property world that some estate agents now spend half their lives wondering if the 6)prospective client in front of them is a 7)bona fide buyer or the carpet-level equivalent of a 8)spy in the sky.
  9)Giveaway signs of a mystery shopper are not so much a fake moustache and dark glasses but a certain 10)wobbliness when asked where they live, how many children they have and whether they are free tomorrow to view a property. That, and 11)scribbling frantically on a 12)notepad when they think the agent’s not looking.
  All of a sudden, though, mystery shoppers have become a whole lot harder to spot. This is thanks to the introduction of micro-13)surveillance technology which enables them to record the entire proceedings on film, undetected.
  “I can’t possibly reveal to you where we hide our cameras, or exactly what they look like,” says Michelle Tempest, whose company, Pulse, carries out mystery-shopping missions. They work on behalf of leading estate agents as well as a range of housing developers to check the quality of services offered to potential and existing customers. “All I can tell you is that filming equipment these days can be concealed in all sorts of places: handbags, baseball caps and even 14)Mont Blanc pens.”
  And it’s not just 15)set piece conversations in the sales agent’s office that today’s mystery camera operators seek to capture. They can also 16)turn their hand to 17)action sequences, where they record the helpfulness of those showing them around a property or a housing development.
  As well as being 18)issued with James Bond-type surveillance equipment, they are also given cover names, identities, a special mobile phone number and email address with which to 19)field follow-up calls.
  “Our mystery shoppers come in three different kinds,” says a spokeswoman for retirement developers 20)McCarthy and Stone, who use the technique to keep staff 21)up to scratch. “They can be an elderly customer on their own, an elderly customer accompanied by a younger family member, or a family member seeking property for an elderly relative. And the people who carry out the mystery shops for us are, in the main, 22)Equity members.”
  Yes, sales agents of Britain, if you think that customer looks familiar, it may well be you’ve glimpsed them 23)hovering in the background in the 24)Rovers Return or lying bloodstained on a 25)stretcher in 26)Holby City.
  “We have a huge choice of in-between-jobs actors on our 27)books,” says Tempest. “They come in all ages and sizes—our oldest is 72, our youngest 19. Most are what you would call 28)character actors, who are used to taking on a completely different identity. After all, it’s important that they get their story 100 per cent right and are convincing in their role. We soon see if they aren’t, of course, because we get to watch the video.
  “Believe it or not, the work can be quite tiring. Not only does the performance take it out of you, there’s quite a lot of travelling involved. You can’t have the same person covering the same area all the time or they’d soon get recognised. So we limit our mystery shoppers to just three jobs a day.”
  That said, the work doesn’t have to be 29)draining if you do it only occasionally. “I do my mystery shopping either during my lunch hour or in the evenings after work,” says 45-year-old Avis Cowell, who works for Mystery Shoppers Ltd. The firm has 1,500 30)regulars and 200,000 31)occasionals on its books.
  “My task is to go into an estate agent’s and register, pretending I’m looking for, say, a two-bedroom flat. I assess the level of customer service I receive and the efficiency or otherwise of the follow-up. Some agents are very good and others not so good. I visited a place the other day and got completely ignored by the agent, who was clearly on a personal phone call.”
  This raises the question of what happens to the employee when Avis’s report comes out. 32)Cue the sound of estate agents hastening to 33)reassure staff. Because although agencies are obliged to inform their employees that they may at some point be mystery shopped, they don’t want them to feel in constant fear for their jobs.
  “It’s not meant to be a 34)witch hunt,” stresses Lindsay Cuthill, south-west London manager for 35)Savills. “We don’t do a mystery shop and then start the 36)Spanish Inquisition.”
  Robert McLaughlin, regional sales director for 37)Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward, agrees. “It’s important always to focus on the positive outcomes and to give praise for 38)exemplary service,” he says. So, rather than forcing staff to watch video 39)nasties of themselves, estate agencies prefer to highlight possible areas of improvement in procedures, rather than people.
  The general 40)consensus among property sales agents is that mystery shopping 41)unearths little 42)nuggets of information which can give one company that vital 43)edge.
  “Where I work, in 44)Islington, there are at least a dozen rival agents in the same streets, all competing for the same work,” says Christian Thomas of the north London agents Currell. “If you want to know why we use mystery shoppers, just look out of our front window.”
  So here is a tip: the next time you go into an estate agent’s, make it look like you have a camera hidden about you or buried in your bag. Who knows, you might even get a cup of coffee while you wait.
  What does it take to be a mystery shopper?
  Acting ability: You need not just to assume an identity, but know your character inside out.
  A cool head: Yes, you’re clandestinely(秘密地) filming the person you’re talking to, but you mustn’t show any outward signs of nervousness.
  A good memory: If you’re operating without a hidden camera, you’ll need to have clear recall of how your mystery shop went.
  Knowledge of the subject: If you’re registering to buy a shared-equity(财产价值) or First Buy? property, you need to have a grasp of how the finances work, otherwise you’ll get rumbled(俚语,察觉,识破).
  Versatility(多功能性): It’s not just property assignments you can be given. The clients for whom Mystery Shoppers Ltd work include funeral directors(丧葬承办人), motorway toll roads(收费公路), department stores and car-repair garages.
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