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今年9月初,天津市中级人民法院知识产权庭公开审理了“友谊牌729”装潢和商标侵权纠纷案件,由于前世界乒乓球冠军郭跃华的介入,吸引了众多新闻单位记者,许多新闻单位报道了此案。这起诉讼案件的发生不是偶然的,具有鲜明的时代色彩,反映出企业由计划经济向市场经济过渡中一些亟待解决的问题,以及由此产生的现行法律、法规相冲突的矛盾。反思这起案件的形成和发展,或许能给我们一个深刻的认识……一、在世乒赛大厅内的另一种“竞争”今年5月,北方沿海城市——天津,繁花似锦。举世瞩目的第四十三届世乒赛在这里举行,巨大呈飞蝶状的天津体育馆云集了来自世界各地的乒坛高手。就在运动员在比赛场地展开激烈竞争时,在比赛场地外也同时进行一场紧张的“较量”。在新建的天津体育馆大 In early September this year, the Intellectual Property Court of Tianjin Intermediate People’s Court held a trial on the dispute over the decorating and trademark infringement of “Friendship 729”. As a result of the intervention of former world table tennis champion Guo Yuehua, many Intellectual Media Units have been attracted by many news organizations The case. The occurrence of this lawsuit is not by accident. It has a vivid color of the times and reflects some contradictions and contradictions between the planned economy and the market economy in the urgent solution to the current laws and regulations. Reflect on the formation and development of this case may give us a profound understanding of ... ... First, in the World Championships hall hall another “competition” in May this year, the northern coastal city of Tianjin, flowers . The forty-third World Championships which attracted worldwide attention were held here. The huge butterflies-shaped Tianjin Stadium gathered experts from all over the world. Just as athletes are competing in the arena, there is also a stressful “contest” outside the arena. In the new Tianjin Stadium large
In the present study, we express the quality, function, and characteristics of architecture to help people comprehensively understand what architecture is. We a
In the seismic analysis of extended structures subject to spatially varying motions, the displacement input model instead of acceleration model is usually adopt