
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dai818wei
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  Suraj was a student in Class 5. He was a studious1 as well as a naughty2 boy. After science class, he was making fun of friends. As soon as his math teacher arrived to the class, he moved back to his place. The class started and the teacher was asking some questions to the students.
  And it happened. Suraj peed3 his trousers!He felt very ashamed4. He thought his wet trousers would be the hot topic of the school!His friends would talk about it for years. The girls in the class would never look at him as his friend. The boys and girls would never speak with him. He would become the joker5 for everyone in the class.
  The math teacher was watching Suraj for 10 minutes and saw him in some kind of trouble6. Suraj found that the teacher watching him and tried to act normal7.
  He felt that his heart would stop jumping very soon.
  The teacher again saw that Suraj was in trouble and she looked at him. He smiled at her. Kiran, Suraj’s classmate made a request8 to let him drink some water. Suddently9, Kiran from the back chair took his water bottle and started to move out of the classroom. As he cross Suraj’s desk, he dropped10 the water bottle. The bottle was opened and all water fell on Suraj.
  It shocked everyone and teacher went to help Suraj at once. He asked a student to get a towel11 from the teacher’s office.
  His friends cleaned the desk. The teacher asked another student to bring a sport trousers for him to wear until his wet trousers got dry.
  After school, Suraj came to Kiran and thanked him with all his heart. Kiran smiled and said, “Hey, I know!Because few months before I peed my trousers!”
  1. studious
出生日期:2001年10月12日  爱好:画画  座右铭:人努力了不一定会成功,但放弃了就一定会失败。  就读学校:江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学初一(5)班  指导老师:陈传光  Buying a Computer  Last Sunday my parents and I went to a department store. They wanted to buy me a computer. But
摘要:文章通过借班上的一堂公开研究课,对碳原子四价学说从基态到激发态再到杂化轨道形成的微观结构层层递进的探究教学实践,以及为作者主持之一的“‘阅读-探讨-应用-反思’课堂教学模式研究”省级教研课题提供了案例分析,对学生的当堂练习也进行了课后分析。  关键词:有机化合物;结构;教学设计;反思  文章编号:1008-0546(2014)03-0053-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  
摘要:文章以“固体酒精的制作”为例进行研究性学习的探索,从“问题的提出”、“问题的研究”和“研究的成果”三方面阐述了研究的过程,并展示了学生的研究成果。  关键词:研究性学习;固体酒精;调查  文章编号:1008-0546(2014)05-0064-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2014.05.024  研究性学习已成为
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One day, I was riding to school when suddenly I heard two girls laughing at me. Quickly I took off my T-shirt and found there was a hole in it. I gave it to my grandma. My grandma asked, “Do you want
At the beginning of the class one day, one student says, “I started to read more. I feel that it is good for me. I can see how my grammar is better, but I have a problem. When I read, I look at a new
摘要:生态足迹是人类对自然资源消耗的量度。通过比较生态足迹和生物承载力,人们建立起生态帐户。控制生态帐户的赤字才能实现可持续发展。本文介绍了生态足迹的概念和计算方法、分析了世界生态足迹状况和我国生态足迹的发展变化,以帮助教师了解21世纪环境保护新概念和策略。  关键词:生态足迹:生物承栽力:可持续发展  文章编号:1008—0546(2010)05—0002—04  中图分类号:X171.1  文
摘要:在学习化学之前,学生脑海里有的只是一些与化学有关的生活中的现象或经验,从未系统的、科学的认识它们。在化学学习的入门阶段,文章以《神奇的化学变化》为触点,带领学生进入奇妙的化学世界,帮助学生初步建构化学变化、物理变化的概念;认识化学变化伴随的现象;充分认识化学学科及化学变化的价值,继而激发并维持学生对化学学习的兴趣,最终使学生体会到“化学是一门有意思更有价值的学科”。  关键词:化学变化;兴趣
Section A  一、从B栏中找出与A栏句子相对应的答语。  二、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。  1. He gets up e , so he is never late for school.  2. It usually t Sally twenty minutes to ride her bike to school.  3. —How f is it from his home