新生儿的较量——实况2010 VS FIFA 10

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FIFA与实况系列的暗战早已不是什么秘密,而关于两者孰优孰劣的争论也不是一天两天的事情了。由于PS3尚未破解,而XB360在国内尚不普及,所以无论是FIFA还是实况,大部分玩家的选择还是PC平台,这也给两款游戏的对比和较量提供了统一格式的格斗场。实况的光环逐渐因为Seabass(鲈鱼,他的绰号)高冢新吾在游戏开发上的困难处境而渐渐消退,这也是实况的游戏迷们不得不承认的一个问题,实况的进展遇到了瓶颈,这也可以从KONAMI几次对Fans的公开道歉上看得出来。而作为实况的死对头,制作人David Rutter却在真实性上卯足了劲下足了功夫,将FIFA一步步带上了复兴之路,逐渐蚕食着实况的王国。很高兴我们迎来了2010年,新世纪的一个新十年,对于足球迷来说这又是一个值得疯狂的年份,因为有即将到来的世界杯。而对于跟足球有关的游戏来说,这是一个绝对要抓住的机遇,世界杯年对于足球游戏的影响不容小视,这一年是足球游戏的销售高峰年,而今年推出的游戏作品其口碑往往会对后续几年的作品销量有着巨大的影响,所以也不难理解为何2010版的实况和FIFA会得到大家如此多的关注和挑剔,而EA和KONAMI两家厂商在新作的开发上自然更是格外用心。就在9月10日EA放出了FIFA 10的Demo,9月18日,KONAMI也放出了实况2010的Demo,至此,两大足球游戏的最新作又站上了PK的舞台。实况2010采用了全新设计的游戏引擎,这也让我们看到了Seabass改变坐吃老本渴望革新的决心,其画面的炫丽程度足以傲视天下,在游戏系统方面也是下足了功夫。EA则在2010上集其系列之大成,用又一次的出击捍卫其足球游戏的王者地位。在综合了众多网友的评价之后,我们一起来从各个方面对这两款游戏进行一下比较。 FIFA and live series of the duel has long been no secret, and the debate on which one is better is not a day or two things. As the PS3 has not yet cracked, and XB360 is not popular in the country, so whether it is FIFA or live, most players choose or PC platform, which also gives the comparison and contest of the two games provides a unified format fighting field. The real aura gradually fades from a difficult situation in game development due to Seabass (bass, his nickname) Takatsuka Shinobu, a problem the live game fans have to admit, and the bottleneck has been encountered in the live progress From KONAMI several public apologies on the Fans can see. As a live-action rival, producer David Rutter, however, has done a lot of work on his authenticity and took FIFA step by step to revive and gradually eroded the real world. Glad to welcome us for a new decade in 2010 and the new century. This is another crazy year for football fans because of the upcoming World Cup. For football-related games, this is an absolute opportunity to seize the World Cup year for the impact of football games can not be underestimated, this year is the peak year of soccer game sales, and this year’s game works often reputation Will have a huge impact on sales volume in the following years, so it is not hard to understand why the 2010 version of FIFA will get so much attention and discernment, and EA and KONAMI will naturally develop new titles Extra hard. On September 10 EA released the FIFA 10 Demo, September 18, KONAMI also released live Demo 2010, so far, the two latest football games to stand on the PK stage. Live 2010 with a newly designed game engine, which also allows us to see Seabass change to eat the old desire for innovation, the dazzling extent of the screen enough to disdain for the world, the game system is also underfooted effort. EA in 2010 set the culmination of its series, with another attack to defend the king of their football game position. In a comprehensive evaluation of many users, we work together in all aspects of these two games for a comparison.
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