天路缀彩虹 当惊世界殊

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美丽而神奇的西藏,一个令无数人向往的地方。八月,青藏铁路开通之后,我背着行囊和照相机,从北京踏上了通往拉萨的“天路”。列车以每小时100公里的速度飞驰着,美景不时从车窗掠过:蓝天白云下,青山绿草中,成群的牛羊;碧水蓝天错那湖,更像一颗璀璨明珠,令人神往。纳木错是我梦寐 Beautiful and magical Tibet, where many people aspire to. In August, after the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, I embarked on a “sky road” from Beijing to Lhasa carrying luggage and cameras. The train speeding at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, beauty from time to time passing from the windows: the blue sky and white clouds, green hills, flocks of cattle and sheep; clear water blue sky Lake, more like a shining pearl, fascinating . Namco is my dream
China’s first private railway opens the door for private capital to enter this long-closed market. However, owing to systemic obstacles, insiders are not optim
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