
来源 :福建农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luozd
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试验观察表明:1、红茎芫荽的萌动种子经低温处理,能够促进花芽分化。2、单个复伞形花序从现蕾到谢花41天,在栽培群体中,初花到终花44天。3、芫荽花芽分化分为花序分化期和单花分化期。花序分化期包括营养生长期(叶芽)、花芽分化前期、花芽原基的分化、一级花序的形成、二级花序的形成和完整花序的形成。单花分化期包括单花原基的形成、萼片的形成、花瓣原基的出现、雄瓣原基的形成、雄蕊形成、雌蕊原基的出现。从子叶出土到花芽开始分化需要27~30天,到完整花序形成又需30天。作者根据试验结果提出在生产上防止先期抽苔以及提高种子、绿叶产量的措施. Experimental observations show that: 1, the red stem coriander germination of seeds by low temperature treatment, can promote flower bud differentiation. 2, a single complex umbel from bud to thank 41 days, in the cultivation groups, the first flower to the final flower 44 days. 3, coriander flower bud differentiation into inflorescence differentiation and single flower differentiation. Inflorescence stages include vegetative growth (leaf buds), pre-flower bud differentiation, differentiation of flower bud primordia, formation of primary inflorescences, formation of secondary inflorescences and formation of intact inflorescences. The single flower differentiation stage includes the formation of single flower primordia, the formation of sepal, the appearance of petal primordium, the formation of petal primordia, the formation of stamens and the appearance of pistil primordium. From cotyledons unearthed to flower bud differentiation needs 27 to 30 days, to the formation of complete inflorescence need 30 days. According to the test results, the author puts forward measures to prevent pre-bolting and increase seed and green leaf production in production.
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摘 要:探讨了高校图书馆电子阅览室应具有的功能及建设高校图书馆电子阅览室的必要性,提出了加强高校电子阅览室服务功能的一些建议。  关键词:高校图书馆 电子阅览室 服务创新  中图分类号:G250.7文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2011)07(a)-0256-01    随着信息技术和计算机技术的不断发展,电子计算机应用已经广泛渗透到各个领域。特别是20世纪90年代以来,电子出版
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