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小油菜阴花阴角是生产上普遍存在的間題。二年来,我們在蕪湖县万春公社、易太公社及巢县烔煬公社进行了初步調查。从調查結果看来,小油菜在一般生产情况下,只有50—70%的花发育成有效角果。因此,我們認为,摸索小油菜在大田生产情况下的阴花阴角規律,进而提出有效的农业技术措施,減少阴花阴角,提高結角率,是当前油菜增产中的重要課題。現将初步調查結果和我們的意見提出来和大家共同研究。一、小油菜阴花阴角的規律調查小油菜的阴花阴角,是在結角中后期进行的。所謂阴花,是指开花后因养料不足或其它外因(如暴风驟雨、过湿、干旱、病虫害等),未能受精成角而萎蔫、脫落。所謂阴角,是指形成角果皮后因各种內外因子(如养料不足、病虫害等),致使胚珠发育不良,角果黃化脫落或有角无籽。 Small rape overcast negative angle is a common problem in production. In the past two years, we conducted a preliminary investigation in Wanchun Commune in Wuhu County, Easy Tai Commune and Chao County Congtai Commune. It seems from the survey results, rape in the general production conditions, only 50-70% of the flowers developed into effective pods. Therefore, in our opinion, it is an important issue in rapeseed production to explore the law of cloudy and negative angle of rape under field production, and then put forward effective agricultural techniques and measures to reduce the negative angle and the angle of incidence. Now the preliminary findings and our comments put forward and we study together. First, the law of small rape overcast Yin angle rape Xiao Yin angle, is in the corner of the late. The so-called overcast, refers to flowering due to insufficient nutrients or other external causes (such as stormy, over-wet, drought, pests, etc.), failed to fertilize angulation and wilting, fall off. The so-called negative angle, refers to the formation of Kok skin due to a variety of internal and external factors (such as lack of nutrients, pests, etc.), resulting in poor ovule development, horny yellow shedding or angular seedless.
用 Trifolium hratense (2n=14)×T.diffusum (2n=16)和 T.hratense(2n=28)×T.diffusum(2n=32)得到了种间杂种。在二倍体水平上杂交保证了异花授粉和回交情况下有生命力种
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8882(2014)02-052-01  一、作品及作品结构分析  (一)作品分析  《苏北调变奏曲》,该作品被视为中国民族单簧管作品的开山之作。作品通俗易懂,运用我国本民族的五声音阶,旋律亲切、朴实、平易近人,曲调中式,具有很浓郁的中国民族特色。作者用简洁的民间音乐语汇为我们勾画出一幅幅乡间生活和劳动的场景,演奏者可以跟随旋律的呼吸去想像
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8882(2014)02-051-01  “美学”这个名词是1735年,德国哲学家鲍姆加登首先提出的,原意是研究感觉和情感的理论。他主张美学是研究感性认识的,属于哲学范畴,具有相对独立的性质。音乐美学是18世纪末的德国诗人、音乐家舒巴特第一次提出的,他首先提出了要建立音乐美学这门学科的思想。1900年里曼出版了他的《音乐美学要义》,是音乐美
前言:   乳腺癌是严重危害人类健康的重大疾病之一,随着人口老龄化社会的到来,其发病率、死亡率已渐居各种恶性肿瘤之前列。   女性乳腺癌发病率与多种因素有关。乳腺癌