Geese* in a Row

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  Flora got to the edge of the village.* Mitt came with the geese. The gander(雄鹅) waddled(蹒跚而行) along. Behind him, the other* geese waddled in a row.
  “Glad you came on time,” smiled Mitt. “The geese know when it is time to go and nobody can stop them.”*
  Then they walked to the river bank(河岸). The bank was beautiful.
  Flora got to the edge of the village.
  “Glad you came on time,” said Mitt. “The geese know when it is time to go and nobody can stop them.”
  Mitt and Flora looked at the fish near the bank. Suddenly the gander started crossing(横过) the river.* The other geese crossed the river, too.
  “What do we do now?” asked Flora. “Where is the bridge*?” “Bridge? Only* in the city,” answered Mitt.
  “Then swim!” Flora said. “But I can’t swim,” said Mitt.
  “Oh, I know!” said Mitt. He took out his knife and cut some reed(芦苇). Then he made a raft(筏). He carefully walked into the water, lowered himself on his raft and paddled to the other side of the river.*
  Mitt shepherded(带领) the geese back.
  Then the geese grazed(吃草) at the bank. Mitt and Flora played happily.
  In the afternoon, the gander yelled out(大喊). The other geese got in line behind the gander and started marching.*
  “Where are they going?” asked Flora.
  “But they don’t have a watch!” said Flora. Mitt laughed, “They don’t need a watch. They sense time well without it.”*
  Mitt and Flora followed(跟随) the geese in a row and went home. They had a good time.
  The other geese got in line behind the gander and started marching.
  Mitt laughed, “They don’t need a watch. They sense time well without it.” 米特笑道:“它们不需要手表。它们没有手表也能准确地知道时间。”
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