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说来也许人们难以相信,一个身为正团职的领导干部,至今一家三代借住在30余平方屋里,家里欠债3.7万元。同时,在母亲患绝症,岳父患癌症,爱人患乳腺炎3次住院手术,家庭连遭厄运的情况下,把艰苦奋斗精神作为一种精神动力,一种高尚情操,一种严谨作风,磨励意志,为武警部队这所大学校培养合格优秀人才作出了积极贡献。 他,就是先后13次受嘉奖,2次荣立三等功,2次被评为优秀共产党员,今年“七·一”被武警总部表彰为优秀党员领导干部的武警成都指挥学校副校长冯文辉。1 1991年,是冯文辉一生中经受磨难最大最多的一年。年初,总队在学校举行“三级”主官集训,他任集训队副队长。正当集训临近结束时,因患脑血栓阻塞动手术不久的母亲,又患子宫肌瘤急需住院手术。一边是重病缠身的母亲,一边是总队“三级”主官集训,若请 Perhaps it is hard for people to believe that one leading cadre who is a leader of a regiment has so far borrowed more than 30 square feet of housing from one generation to another and has borrowed 37,000 yuan at home. In the meantime, under the condition of a mother suffering from terminally ill, father-in-law suffering from cancer, and lover suffering from mastitis three times in hospital, the family suffered bad luck. Taking the hard-working spirit as a spiritual power, a noble sentiment, a rigorous style, Will make positive contributions to cultivating qualified and talented personnel for this large-scale armed police force. He was awarded 13 times in succession, won the third class twice in 2 times, was awarded outstanding Communist Party member twice, and this year was “Sept. 1” by the Armed Police Headquarters commended as outstanding party member leading cadres, deputy director of the Chengdu Command School, Feng Wenhui. 1 1991 is the year when Feng Wenhui suffered the largest number of hardships in his life. At the beginning of the year, the Corps held a training course for “three-level” masters in schools and served as the vice captain of the training team. Probationally close to the end of training, due to cerebral infarction surgery shortly after the mother, but also suffering from uterine fibroids in urgent need of hospitalization. Side of the ill-tempered mother, while the Corps “three” main officer training, if you please
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中国明胶协会副理事长,成都制胶厂原厂长邱玉成同志,因病医治无效,不幸于1995年7月31日15时40分逝世,终年63岁。 邱玉成同志,四川成 Comrade Qiu Yucheng, vice chairman o
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