Fuzzy self-tuning PID control of the operation temperatures in a two-staged membrane separation proc

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wingoH
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A two-staged membrane separation process for hydrogen recovery from refinery gases is introduced.The principle of the gas membrane separation process and the influence of the operation temperatures are analyzed.As the conventional PID controller is difficult to make the operation temperatures steady,a fuzzy self-tuning PID control algorithm is proposed.The application shows that the algorithm is effective,the operation temperatures of both stages can be controlled steadily,and the operation flexibility and adaptability of the hydrogen recovery unit are enhanced with safety.This study lays a foundation to optimize the control of the membrane separation process and thus ensure the membrane performance. A two-staged membrane separation process for hydrogen principle from the gas membrane separation process and the influence of the operation of the gas are analyzed. As the conventional PID controller is difficult to make the operation steady, a fuzzy self-tuning PID control algorithm is proposed. The application shows that the algorithm is effective, the operation temperatures of both stages can be controlled steadily, and the operation flexibility and adaptability of the hydrogen recovery unit are enhanced with safety. This study lays a foundation to optimize the control of the membrane separation process and thus ensure the membrane performance.
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想要的东西就去要,想爱的人就去爱,叶倩文就是这样直接与奋勇的女人。    我在城乡接合部的一个破旧影院里,看贾樟柯的新片《山河故人》。影片照例是贾导熟悉的汾阳故事。整部电影粗粝毛糙,难掩呛人的尘土气息。而唯一让人心头柔软的竟然是那首屡屡出现的粤语老歌,它贯穿在赵涛未嫁之时、送子之时,还有儿子成人之后的片段里。这首歌在三个不同的时间段里响起,荡气回肠,深情悠扬,甚是好听。我忍不住拿出手机查了一下,原
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1947年1月10日晋冀鲁豫《人民日报》载:“记者于1946年12月21日上午往访中国著名史学家傅斯年先生之故乡——聊城南二里大兴庄,傅家祖坟即在该村之旁。记者到时,傅家老少马上把我们围住了,我告诉他们,傅斯年先生曾到延安访问过共产党领袖毛主席和周副主席时,大家都引以为荣。”  根据这个线索,笔者访问了傅斯年先生的族侄、聊城市政协委员傅乐铜先生。傅先生十分热情地接待了我,并向我介绍了鲜为人知的往事
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竞选连任的布什总统遇到了不少麻烦,若此时上映摩尔的《华氏9·11》,对布什来说列疑是雪上加霜。 President Bush, who has run for reelection, has encountered many trou