高教自学考试教育(简称高自考教育)的原意是“成年人按照规定的课程通过自学和国家考试而获得某一高层次学历的教育”。它是包括个人自学、社会助学和国家考试等内容在内的一个完整的教育体系。 我国高等教育自学考试制度,与1981年刚建立时相比,发生了重大的变化。这些变化主要表现在以下三个方面;(1)参加自学考试的考生由过去的成年人和在职人员为主变为以高中毕业生和社会知识青年为主。(2)这些考生在参加自学考试前并不都是自学者,其中约有60—70%的参考者在民办大学接受了系统的面授教育。(3)承担助学任务的主要是民办大学。
Higher education for self-taught exams (referred to as high self-taught education), the original meaning is “adults in accordance with the provisions of the curriculum through self-study and national examinations and access to a high-level education.” It is a complete education system that includes self-study, social studies and state examinations. The system of self-study examinations for higher education in our country has undergone major changes compared with the time when it was first established in 1981. These changes are mainly manifested in the following three aspects: (1) Candidates for self-study examinations have changed from mainly adults and serving officers in the past to high school graduates and social-knowledge-based youth. (2) These candidates are not self-learners until they attend self-study examinations. About 60-70% of them are systematically undergraduates at non-government universities. (3) To undertake the task of student education is mainly private universities.