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由于自然条件的限制和历史等原因,贵州省从江县至今还保持着比较完好的传统农业生产方式,并在此基础上形成了丰富的少数民族文化。这种传统农业生产方式的生态优越性以及与之相关的文化吸引了众多的关注,FAO考虑将其列为浙江省青田县的协作点。为了更好的说明传统生产方式保护的必要性,本文采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法,使用市场价值法、影子工程法、生产成本法、机会成本法等定量方法,评价了贵州省从江县传统农业区生态系统服务功能经济价值,试图为传统农业区保护提供科学而量化的依据。结果表明:从江县传统农业区生态系统服务现有生态经济价值为48.96×10~8元,其间接生态价值是直接经济价值的8倍多。土壤保持功能是该区生态系统服务的主要部分,占总体服务价值的44.80%,初级产品生产直接经济价值仅占总价值的11.23%。由此可以看出,传统农业区直接经济价值并不是其服务价值的主要部分,应充分发挥传统农业区生态系统的其他生态服务功能,加强对间接生态服务功能价值的理解和保护。此外,本文研究结果还为从江县生态补偿标准的制定提供科学基础。 Due to the limitation of natural conditions and history, Congjiang County in Guizhou Province still maintains relatively intact traditional methods of agricultural production, and on this basis, it has formed a rich ethnic culture. The ecological superiority of this traditional approach to agricultural production and its associated culture has attracted a great deal of attention and FAO considers it a point of collaboration at Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province. In order to better explain the necessity of the traditional mode of production protection, this article uses the method of combining the quantity and the value of the quantity, using the methods of market value, shadow engineering, production cost and opportunity cost, The economic value of ecosystem services in traditional agricultural areas in Jiang County tries to provide a scientific and quantitative basis for the protection of traditional agricultural areas. The results showed that the existing ecological and economic value of ecosystem services in the traditional agricultural area of ​​Congjiang County was 48.96 × 10 ~ 8 Yuan, and its indirect ecological value was more than 8 times of the direct economic value. Soil conservation is the main part of ecosystem services in the area, accounting for 44.80% of the total service value. The direct economic value of primary products production accounts for only 11.23% of the total value. It can be seen that the direct economic value of traditional agricultural areas is not a major part of their service value. Other ecological service functions of the ecosystem in traditional agricultural areas should be brought into full play and the value of indirect ecological services should be understood and protected. In addition, the results of this study also provide a scientific basis for the formulation of eco-compensation standards in Congjiang County.