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  摘 要:本研究以文獻分析法、问卷调查法和实验法为主要研究方法,对黄河口镇中学两个班进行了为期两个月的教学研究。实验结果证明任务型口语教学模式有利于营造一种良好的英语口语教学环境,有利于提高学生学习口语的兴趣和自信心,从而大大促进学生英语口语能力的发展。任务型口语教学模式尚对提高学生听力理解能力的促进也是显而易见的,与此相应的结论是这一模式对学生的综合语言技能的发展均有积极的作用。
  Abstract:This paper takes the literature research method, the questionnaire survey method and the experimental method as the main research method, and has carried on the two-month teaching research to the two classes of the Huanghekou town middle school. The experimental results show that the task - based oral teaching model is conducive to creating a good oral English teaching environment, which is conducive to motivating the students ‘interest and self -confidence in spoken language learning, thus greatly promoting the development of students’ oral English ability. And the task-based oral teaching model is also obvious to improve students ‘ability to understand listening comprehension, and the corresponding conclusion is that this model has a positive effect on the development of students’ comprehensive language skills.
  Key words: Task-Based Language Teaching; English of junior high school; Oral English teaching
  Chapter One Research Design
  1.1 Object of Study
  The experimental object of this study is the two classes of all classes in eight grades in my hometown--Huanghekou middle school. The experimental is putting into effect in March until the May. We have two months to carry out the plan. The two classes are parallel classes and students have no significant difference in English grades.
  1.2 Supposition
  1. This model applied in the junior high school oral English teaching is more feasible than traditional teaching model.
  2. The study will apply the Task-based Teaching Model to the Teaching of Oral English in Junior Middle School to Improve Students’ Spoken English. And we have two months to prove our hypothesis.
  1.3Tool of the Research
  This research tool is mainly composed of questionnaires and oral English test questions.And at the same time, we also use the questionnaires, our questionnaire has been made by reference of many educator’s research findings, and here we will not represent the questionnaire here.
  Chapter Two Results and Discussion
  2.1 The Results of the Questionnaire
  The recovery of the questionnaire was shown in the experimental class, and it was obvious that the result has improved than before. Firstly, about the interests in learning English, the number of people increases 25 students and increases 62.5 percent. Secondly, students’ confident in learning English have increased 9 students and increases 22.5 percent. Finally, about the willing to participate in English activities concept, the number of people increases 8 students and increases 20 percent.   2.2 The Results of the Oral Tests
  From the tests, we can see that the problem of vocabulary and grammar is one of the most tough problems. When the learners want to express what they want to say, correct words cannot come to their mind quickly, instead, words with similar meanings are usually stimulated in their mind. In the second place, in their expressions, there are a lot of Chinese. They usually think and express their ideas in a Chinese manner. At the same time, the usage of tense is incorrect in the expressions. .
  The findings of this paper might help language teachers gain a deeper insight into TBLT. Now the whole country sees a high rise of advocating applying TBLT in language learning classrooms because of its merits. The author admits that TBLT, to some extent, is such a new way that it can provide more chances for the learners’ to practice oral English, and thus, improve their oral ability. However, the author firmly holds that a total copy of TBLT will produce problems in the particular context. The traditional method has the advantage of giving the teacher more control in class. It mainly places emphasis on the linguistic structures by asking students to do some exercises and recite texts; nevertheless, the teaching method fails to develop the students’ oral ability and arouse the students’ interest and motivation. We should do more in this respect in the future.
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摘 要:美术教育是培养学生审美能力和创造能力的重要途径,美术教育往小了说是让孩子能画画、会画画、让孩子有独立画画的能力,但是往大了说美术教育可以培养 孩子的性格和行为,使孩子有更丰富的想象力,还可以培养孩子的认知能力。创意美术是近年来才被引入美术教学中的新方式,主要功能是培养学生的创造力和想象力。  关键词:创意;美术教育;想象力  一、美术教学与少儿教育  美术教育不仅要求学生掌握绘画技能,还要
摘 要:小学科学是培养学生创新思维的重要学科,大力培养学生的创造性思维,是新一轮课程改革标准提出的新型教学理念与目标要求。为了全面提升小学科学课的教学质量、提高学生对科学学科的兴趣,促进学生的全面发展,文章从创设情境、引导观察、巧设实验三方面分析了如何在小学科学课教学中培养学生的创造性思维和培养学生的兴趣。  关键词:小学科学;兴趣;创造性思维;情境;观察;实验  在科学教学中如何培养小学生学习兴
《科学课程标准》指出:“小学科学是以培养学生科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程。”科学探究既是小学科学学习要达到的目标,又是小学科学学习的主要方式和有效培养学生科学素养的重要途径。培养小学生的科学素养是全面实施素质教育的要求,是时代和民族发展、科学技术飞速发展对未来人才素质的需要。科学课是培养学生科学素养的主阵地,  那么,在科学教学中,怎样培养学生的科学素养呢?  一、要让学生掌握基本的科学方法  物
摘 要:藏语文是藏区一门基础学科,在藏区小学课程中占有非常重要的地位,而要学生学好藏语文这就需要我们教师和学生的共同努力采取行之有效的教学策略来切实提高藏语文课堂教学,这一点是藏语文教学的关键所在,只有通过科学合理的藏语文课堂教学才能够充分调动学生学习藏语文的积极牲和主动性,从而达到传授藏语文知识技能,培养学生智慧和个性的教学目标,最终提高小学藏语文教学的有效性。  关键词:小学藏语文;教学策略;
摘 要:高职在面向社会需求时开展了行业英语的教学,但在面临多重的教学困境之下,多数的高职学校把开设的行业英语作为现今实现教学新改革的重点内容。它结合自身在学科中的特色性,进而对教学的新模式展开探索与研究,同时提升了创新性实践过程所展现的创新思路或方法等,以此彰显出行业英语在高职教学中所起的积极作用,引领了行业英语的教学前沿。文章针对行业英语的教学模式、实践创新等展开有利研究。  关键词:跨越;高职
摘 要:小学数学教学有着自身的特点和规律,但它的基本出发点在于为学生进一步学习打下基础,促进学生主体性的发展。体验成功快乐,激发学习热情;坚持课堂结构高效化;鼓励学生质疑,培养学生的探索创新意识;动手实践,激活思维;善于以学生解题之错作为探究错因之源;创设生活化的情境。  关键词:小学数学;教学;方法  孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。随着教学改革的深入,我们的数学课堂教学开始变得更自
摘 要:在教学过程中培养学生的创新能力是教学的主要目的之一,同时在物理教学过程中,教师也应当重视这一部分教学内容,通过教学培养学生的创新思维,本文就结合当前初中物理教学过程的问题,对如何进行教学创新进行了深入探究。  关键词:初中物理;教学活动;创新教育  一、培养学生的创新意识  1.激发学生的学习兴趣。在初中物理教学中,教师要想培养学生的创新思维,提高学生的创新意识,就需要在教学过程中激发学生
摘 要:随着课改的不断深入,小学数学高效课堂教学理念与模式也会在不断地优化。高效的小学数学课堂教学必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有的知识经验基础之上,创设生动的情境,以展现知识背景,使新知变成有源之水。小学数学教学有着自身的特点和规律,但它的基本出发点在于为学生进一步学习打下基础,促进学生主体性的发展。体验成功快乐,激发学习热情;坚持课堂结构高效化;鼓励学生质疑,培养学生的探索创新意识;动手实践
摘 要:游戏教学方法就是在教学中尽可能将枯燥的语言现象转变为学生乐于接受的,生动有趣的游戏形式,为学生创造丰富的语言交际情景,使学生在玩中学,学中玩.在教学中,我们特别强 调游戏教学方法的精髓是愉快教学,一定要让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习英语.结合自身的教学方法,其游戏的基本结构为:唱歌热身―游戏 引入―新知学习―边玩边练― 角色表演―竞赛巩固.  关键词:小学英语;游戏;教学;策略  小学里开设
摘 要:利用现代化的教育教学工具,寓教于乐,以提高教学的实效性。信息技术在教学中的有效运用已经成为一个热点问题,它将成为课堂教学中不可缺少的一部分,成为学生学习、研究、探索知识的有力工具。在日常的教学中,我从以下几个方面去探索,收到了良好的效果。  关键词:信息技术;多媒体;小学藏语文;应用;教学;作用  对于小学生来讲,刚开始学习信息技术知识,对计算机怀有一种神秘而好奇的感觉,学习积极性很高。教