有些好心的老师为了提高学生的考试成绩,课堂上快节奏、满堂灌,课外加班加点,大搞题海战术,结果学生负担加重,打疲劳战,产生厌倦、畏难心理、于是老师训导学生说,把‘书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟’作为座右铭吧。 笔者以为,如果把那两句古诗作为教育学生树立苦学不倦精神的良训,无可非议。但如若把它当作教学可以不讲科学、不讲艺术,不遵循教学规律的依据,那就大谬不然了。
Some well-meaning teachers in order to improve the students’ test scores, fast paced classrooms, full house irrigation, extracurricular work overtime, and large-scale sea tactics, the results of the students to increase the burden, fight fatigue, produce boredom, fear of difficulties, so the teacher taught the students said, ’Shanshan has a path for the path, learning the sea has no bounds to make a boat’ as a motto. The author believes that if the two ancient poems are used as educating students to cultivate a hard-working, tireless spirit, it is beyond reproach. However, if we regard it as teaching can not speak science, do not speak art, do not follow the teaching basis, it would be a big deal otherwise.