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一切技巧论者总是把技巧视为一种手艺,一种可以从其它文本作坊与语言工场里模仿来的手艺。真正的技巧是不可学的。真正的技巧只是一种生命的神悟,只是某一作家的天分、性灵、生存与时代的奇妙化合物,只来源于作家个性生命深处的神秘律动。比如,卡夫卡是不可学的(我常把卡夫卡看作一个本质的现代先锋诗人)。他的技巧只是他体验生命理解世界的一种方式。他的这种“体验”与“理解”的独特性与惟一性决定了他的作品在世界文学范围内的独特性与惟一性。这种惟一性是无法学的。茫茫人海中惟卡夫卡有此独特的体悟并铸就了他惟一的技巧。所以,后来者对卡夫卡的临摹尽可以学 Skillists always treat skill as a craft, a skill that can be imitated from other text workshops and language workshops. The real skill is not learned. The real skill is only a kind of life consciousness. It is a wonderful compound of a writer’s talent, spirit, survival and the times. It only comes from the mysterious rhythm of the author’s individual life. For example, Kafka is not learned (I often think of Kafka as an essential modern avant-garde poet). His skill is only a way of experiencing life and understanding the world. The uniqueness and uniqueness of his “experience” and “understanding” determine the uniqueness and uniqueness of his work within the scope of world literature. This uniqueness can not be learned. However, the vast majority of people in Kafka have this unique understanding and cast his only skill. Therefore, later Kafka copy as much as possible to learn
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