Vent Your Spleen,Live Longer

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本文的标题是否能译成:发怒者长寿。此标题揭示了一项研究的结论:those who failed to vent their spleens(排泄怒气)were twice as likely to die(不排泄怒气者的死亡的可能性是善于排泄怒气者的两倍)文章有许多精彩表达,不可不咀嚼一番。如:with the greatest tendency to keep negative emotions bottled up-those who“sit and stew”中的bottle up和“sit and stew”(其含义相当于汉语的“闭门思过”),文中最精彩的要算连用四个定语从句的句子: …the husband yelling at the mother who yells at the kid who kicks the dogwho bites the cat who claws the mouse remains a classical American coping strat-egy(策略) Whether the title of this article can be translated into: Longer life for anger. This headline reveals the conclusion of a study: that who failed to vent their spleens (were irritated) as twice as likely to die (the possibility of death of those who did not exile anger was twice as good as those who excreted anger). Expression must be chewed. Such as: with the greatest tendency to keep negative emotions bottled up-those who“sit and stew” bottle up and “sit and stew” (the meaning is equivalent to Chinese “closed door ”), the most in the text The wonderful sentence is to use the four attributive clauses: ...the husband yelling at the mother who yells at the kid who kicks the dogwho bites the cat who claws the mouse remains a classical American coping strat-egy(strategy)
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